Date: May 7, 2017 
Place: Tanglewood 
In Attendance: See attendance list from weekend 
Minutes submitted by: Charlie 

1. Be it noted that on Friday night, Charlie announced that the Board had been working on getting us incorporated as a 501(c)(3) corporation and that the Articles of Incorporation and proposed Bylaws were available for inspection on the bulletin board; and be it further noted that Phil then proposed that the membership acknowledge that the Board had probably done all the due diligence necessary and that further inspection by the members was probably moot; and furthermore that the grunts and huzzahs that arose from the aforementioned members did seem to imply that a majority felt thusly; be it therefore incorporated into these minutes that said proposed Articles and Bylaws were approved by the membership unanimously. 

2. Pursuant to the aforementioned Articles and Bylaws, the point was raised that Board members should serve two year terms, staggering them so that they don’t all expire at once and Charlie, Brad, Bob O, and John B. all requested one year terms, Paul Bernacki volunteered for a one year term, Alan Pooley withdrew from the board, and Tomas volunteered for a two year term, leaving Ian, David and Carl committed for two years. 
Board meetings are open to all men. Contact any board member to find out next date of board meeting. 

3. Treasure’s report: Exclusive of weekend income and expenses we have $1239.08 (just paid liability insurance $400). We will continue to strive to get and keep $3000 in the bank for future weekends. 

4. Charlie repeated that the membership voted in the fall that if ten men are registered one week before the event, the event will go ahead and that the Tanglewood Camp would not charge us if we have to cancel. The Camp and our long relationship with them were acknowledged. Ivan was encouraged to remind them that they have a willing pool of volunteers for a work project when the need arises. 

5. The results of the phone-a-thon were roughly one-third of the phone numbers we had were no longer good, one-third left messages and we never got a call back, and one-third good contacts were made. [We don’t even have phone numbers for half of the men on our old mailing list.] 

6. A brief discussion ensued about how men whom we hadn’t seen for awhile came to be at this weekend. The overwhelming sense was that meeting another man and being invited/encouraged made all the difference. Charlie proposed a phone “tree” for the next weekend, and perhaps even monthly calls to keep men abreast of what was going on in a personal way. 

7. The Auction was declared a resounding success with $640.50 appearing as a total on the bid sheet, but some of that was our “funny money” so we won’t realize the full amount as a donation. Men requested that we do it again at the next weekend (until it gets tired)(and that we advertise it better because men didn’t [necessarily] read the part of the flyer that said to bring something). A new weekend role was created for Auctioneer and Charlie volunteered. It was also suggested that we could make a donation to the community and get a little publicity with the money raised from the auction. Tom J. also suggested we post some of the donated items to the website as a preview before the fall event. 

8. Ian invited us to consider entering the Sculpture Race to be held in Rockland this summer. Rules: it has to roll, under human power, and meet someone’s definition of art. Those who knew what he was talking about were all for it, the rest were not opposed. Holbrook proposed a pocket trumpet accompaniment to our “float”. 

9. Hank L. loved the idea prompted by a workshop for a “Before I Die, I’d Like To: ____” wall. Possible venues were discussed; Rockland and the new Camden Farmer’s Market location were candidates. 

10. Tom J. reminded us what a smashing success a previous variety show fund raiser had been in Belfast(?). We have no shortage of talent in the organization, notwithstanding the flailing displays of the previous night. 

11. Ben M. requested an update email list be sent to all the members. [Board needs to discuss.] 

12. The meeting was adjourned around 9:40. 

Minutes Accepted by board May 18, 2017