Date: Jan 31, 2017
Place: Charlie’s House
In Attendance: Carl, Bob, John, Charlie and David
Minutes submitted by: David assisted by Charlie
1. Check In
2. Minutes from Nov. 15, 2016 were not reviewed, as copies were not available by meeting time. David will send out copies using e-mail to be reviewed and accepted.
3. Treasurer’s report: Currently we have $2657.47. Insurance is due in April ($400).
a. Don resigned as Assistant Treasurer due to health reasons. Thank you Don for the many years of service.
b. Jim D. is longer an Assistant Treasurer.
c. The contract from Tanglewood is a yearly contract for the Spring/Fall weekends. Tanglewood has asked that we synchronize our insurance policy so it also covers the calendar year. The reason for this is so that we can show one “Proof of Insurance” that will cover us for both events. (Attention: Ian)
4. May Weekend Information:
a. Bob and Thomas met and the theme is “Share Your Wisdom and Your Passion”
b. Important Dates:
i. 2/14/17 Theme defined for advertising, e-mail blurb etc. (Charlie and
ii. 2/21/17 E-mail Blurb to MCM members (Charlie)
iii. 2/28/17 Brochure to be completed for review by board (Charlie)
iv. 3/20/17 Stamp and Fold party
v. 3/27/17 Mail out Brochure and Poster
c. Men will be asked to bring something that they value to be auctioned off at the weekend. The item should be worth over $10. Each man will be given $10 in MCM one-dollar bills to be used. Any other money raised will be used in our Scholarship General Fund.
d. Joe R and Charles G (workshop coordinators) will be invited to the next Program Committee meeting to coordinate efforts for the weekend. (Bob)
e. Holbrook invited MCM to be guests on his Radio show to talk about MCM and the weekends. Carl and Charlie will represent MCM on this show. Carl will call Holbrook and discuss the possibility of 2 or 3 men attending and possibly bringing their wives to add to the discussion. Charlie will back Carl up on this advertising venture.
f. The brochure will encourage men to sign up early as we need the numbers for food, supplies etc.
5. Stamp and Fold Party will be at Charlie’s House on 3/20/17 at 6:00 PM
6. Cancellation of Weekend, Financial Responsibilities:
a. Carl, our Tanglewood liaison, asked Patti from Tanglewood if we were financially obligated if we had to cancel a weekend. We are grateful that there will be no charge if we cancel one week before.
b. We need a minimum of 10 men signed up by April 29, 2017 which is one week before the weekend in order to hold the event. Money will be returned to the people who signed up in the event we need to cancel.
7. Posting on Web —
All items posted on the website will need board approval before
posting. (9/25/2014 -#8, 12/9,2014 -#10, 3/4/2015 – #4d)
Charlie who is doing the write ups and posting on the web requested that it would be easier for him to post something on the website and let the board know he has done so. The board would then be asked to check the site and if changes need to be made, e-mail Charlie and the board with the changes. This procedure will make posting on the website quicker and less cumbersome.
8. Manual Update — David reports that changes are being made and that it is being worked on. No date for it ‘s completion has been set.
9. Common Ground Fair. MCM will commit to getting a table at the Common Ground Fair to pass out information and talk about our organization. Charlie has agreed to follow up with Mainly Men to see if they would like to join us. Bob will find out the date we need to commit by and any costs and e-mail this info to the board.
10. Phone-a-Thon: Charlie will update the lists and send up the group of names we are to call. We need to check address, e-mail, and ask if they would like to stay on the list. WE need to provide info on next weekend, the theme, the website and encourage men to stay involved. David will write up a format to ask questions as well as a sample script. The Phone-a-thon calling should start the week of Feb 14. All calls should be completed by March 10, 2017.
11. Plans to increase membership: Contact Veterans for peace with info on who we are, Use local Bulletin Boards on Facebook or on the web, Post information on our MCM Facebook page, Provide a poster and 2 brochures to men by snail mail, Post dates on Maine Public Bulletin Board.
12. 501-C3 Charlie’s work and Gregg’s response: Thanks go out to both men for their diligent work. Charlie will clean up the document, possible check with Gregg and we will discuss this at out next board meeting.
13. Other: David will print copies of information for board meetings at his home and be re-reimbursed for ink and paper. David no longer lives by a print shop where past information was copied for board meetings.
14. Next Board Meeting will be on Friday March 10 at John B’s house, Charlie’s house is back up.
Accepted March 30, 2017