Date: 10/14/18
In Attendance: Men at the Oct MCM Weekend Retreat
Minutes Submitted by: David

  1. The MCM board members were recognized for their efforts. Special thanks to Carl Stoddard who has resigned from the board after many years of service. Charlie resigned as the registrar. We appreciate Charlie for all the work and energy he has given to MCM.
  2. The volunteers for this weekend were recognized and thanked for their efforts.
  3. Charles Gilford and Jonathan Purinton volunteered to join the board of MCM- Thank You.
  4. May 3,4,5, 2019 weekend Program Committee are Tom Beal, Hank Lunn, Phil Elkin.
  5. Volunteering was discussed; attached to these minutes is the list for the May 3, 4, 5, 2019 Retreat. Thank you, gentleman, it takes many people to develop and run these wonderful weekends.
  6. Treasury report: As of 9/5/18 MCM has $3,696.24 in the bank.
    1. Auction this weekend was a success. The members were asked for input about continuing the auction and it was felt that it is a positive fun way to support MCM and it should continue.
    1. New Man Initiative: Received very positive feedback but the board was asked to consider other ways to split the money such as a 50% discount. (Agenda item)
    1. Scholarships: Any man is eligible for scholarships. Please contact the treasurer (Ian) or the registrar. At this time, money should never be the reason a man chose not to attend.
  7. EIN Number needs to be written on the contribution forms if people are going to use this tax write off option. Our MCM number is: EIN 82-3008054
  8. The MCM Manual is a working document that is ready for use. It will be posted on the MCM website. This manual has procedures, ideas and decisions made by MCM since Oct 2014. Men should feel free to read it and offer suggestions to the board for improvements.
  9. Survey – The board will discuss if we should send out a fall survey to all the men or to the ones at the weekend for feedback.
  10. Next weekend retreat is May 3,4,5, 2019. A phrase that should be considered “A Time to Reach out” (Board Agenda Item)
  11. Website: Thanks go to Tom Beal for your continued efforts in keeping the site current. David will check the minutes that are posted and forward any that are not on the website at this time. The board should also update its contact list. (Board Agenda)
  12. Common Ground Fair – Thanks go to Charlie and Maine Bob for organizing the efforts to have our presence at the fair. Charlie asked that the board consider not doing the CGF in the future as he was not sure it is worth the effort. (Board Agenda)
  13. Evaluation Forms were suggested that they go out with the picture to gather feedback from the weekend. (Board Agenda)
  14. It was asked that we have a “Suggestion Box” at the weekend as a way to provide feedback to the board. (Board Agenda)
  15. The volunteer list takes a large portion of the General Meeting. The board is being asked to discuss other ways of doing this. (Board Agenda)
  16. Mini workshops  (Pop Workshops)  (Board Agenda)

MCM Jobs and Tasks:
May 3, 4 & 5 2019

Program Committee: Tom Beal, Hank Lunn, Phil Elkin
Weekend Facilitators: Phil, David (Board Member)
Fri Night Pot Luck: Tomas, David Hanc
Sat Breakfast: Tomas, Tom Jamrog
Sat Lunch: Jonathan Purinton, John McBee
Sat Dinner: Tom Beal, John Giovani Carbone
Sun Breakfast: Maine Bob O’Connor, Daniel Wendel
Variety Show: Hank Lunn, Holbrook Williams
Auctioneer: Phil Elkin Auctioneer Assistant/Recorder: Tom Beal (recorder)
Coffee Meister: Parker Waite, Tomas Levesque
Workshop Organizers: Charles G, John McBee            
Registrar: John Bangeman. Back Up: Maine Bob
Treasurers: Ian Collins, Tomas Levesque 
Post Master General; Maine Bob O’Conner
Food Master Chef: Brad Purdy, Vincent  Dufort       
Master of the Kitchen: Brad Purdy, Vincent  Dufort       
Dishwasher Meister: Lew McGregor, John Bangeman
Med Kit Supervisor: Joss Coggeshall  Back Up: Phil Elkin
Quilt Curator: Tomas Levesque
Tanglewood Liaison: Tom Jamrog    Back Up: David Hanc  
Brochure: Tom Beal, Vincent Dufort   
Brochure Proof Reader: MCM Board
MCM Artist: Dan Kirchoff
Fire keeper: Hartley Spencer, Holbrook Williams
Keeper of the MCM Bocce Balls: David Hanc
Bell Keeper: Charles Guilford, Holbrook Williams
MCM Drum Keeper: Charles Guilford
MCM Signs: John Bangeman
Photographer: Maine Bob O’Connor    Backup: David Hanc
Website Guru: Tom B.  
Website Managers: Tom Beal, Maine Bob O’Connor
Facebook Managers: Dan Kirchoff     Advisor Maine Bob (Board Agenda)
Keeper of the Mailing Lists: Maine Bob. (Board Agenda) – 2nd person
Common Ground Fair Coordinators: (Board Agenda) Maine Bob O.
2018 Set-up Thursday:
2018 Take Down Sunday:

Minutes accepted by the board on December 5, 2018