Via Zoom — In Attendance: Maine Bob, Tomas, Charles, Ian, David, Brad
Minutes Submitted by: David

  1. Check in
  2. Current Balance is $5442.24. 
    a. Dan K is asking that we look for a check that he made out for the Oct 2019 retreat and get back to him.
  3. Minutes from 3/25/20 were accepted by the board
  4. Variety show…email will go out to all MCM members, people need to respond to let us know if they want to perform or be the audience. In the message confidentiality will be discussed realizing that we have little control of this. A second e-mail will go out to invite the men who responded.   MCM needs to accept that other people may hear and see the acts.  Variety show will be May 2 from 6:30- 7 for chatting. Show begins at 7 until it’s over. If time allows people can stay and chat. Bob will tape the show so we can discuss at the next meeting if they want to make it open on the website.
  5. Reaching Out
    a. At this time we are using our website and mail chimp to contact men.
    b. Ian spoke about reaching out to men who are lonely and need help. It would be difficult to identify men who need help. We can send out a message that men should consider contacting men to check in with them.
    c. We will not resend out lists however men can contact David, Maine Bob or Tomas and we will try to help men with contact information.
  6. Website
    a. Draft went out to the board for feedback. Please send feedback to Dan Kirchoff
    b. A blog will be included on the new website
    c. John McBee wrote a note that was shared with the board and would be a great example of what can put on the blog.
    d. The board needs to OK the final website
    e. No date is scheduled for release. David will check with Dan for any updates.
  7. Tree Project
    a. John Bangeman suggested we plant a tree or a forest of trees to honor men who has passed.
    b. We would need to work with Tanglewood to see if they would be interested and if they would be willing to provide us a space for this project.
    c. Tomas suggested that we graft a variety of apples on to an existing tree. A different variety for each man who has passed or a graft each year for the men who have passed.
    d. The tree does not need to be at Tanglewood. Tomas offered a tree on his property.
    e. First step will be to contact Pattie at Tanglewood to see if they like the idea. Plan to start in Spring 2021 if approved.
  8. Mainly Men Workshop will be held May 16 on Zoom. We are all welcomed to join by checking out their website and signing in.
    a. Should we be developing small workshops to put on our website?
    b. Concern was voiced that we are getting away from personal contact. We need to stay connected in the times that we are dealing with.
    c. MCM should consider putting the idea out there to all men asking if they would do 15 -30 video for this effort. They would send their video to the MCM board to vet and then we would put it on website if appropriate.
    d. The board did not decide who would organize this effort. Discuss next board meeting.
  9. Using the money we generate at MCM weekends:
    a. Brainstorm ideas
    i. Donating money to foodbanks
    ii. Discount Oct meeting
    b. How much had we decided to have in the rainy-day account and how many men would need to sign up to hold a weekend. This info was not readily available and was requested. David research and report next board meeting.
    c. No decisions should be made about money until the Covid 19 situation plays out and we see where we are. Tanglewood may or may not be an option depending on what happens. The decision with the money in the treasury is to be very conservative and guard what we have.
    d. Large donations- Discussion to start thinking about what we would do if a large donation came our way and how would we use this resource. It is better to discuss this before it happens rather than at that time.
    e. One idea is not to accept any large donation and refine who we are. Is MCM  a group that just puts on a weekend twice a year or are we a group that will solicit funds and work toward being a philanthropic organization. Discussion to continue.
  10. Next meeting; May 28, 2020.  6:30-8:30

Minutes accepted by the board during the Zoom meeting on May 28, 2020