Present are most of the men who were at the weekend. Tom Beal had to go home for his daughter’s birthday, others also left early.
- Ham — The board needs new members. Dennis volunteered.
- John Bangeman is treasurer. He reports there is $3,206 in the account. He reports there are two accounts. PayPal may be used in the future and the second account will not be vulnerable to hacking. The money raised will be ultimately put in the second account. He reports we pay Tanglewood about $1,600 per weekend. David Hanc reports MCM is in good shape, financially.
- Brad Purdy reports we spent $599.89 on food, very close to the $600 estimated. Each meal cost $3.75, thought to be very reasonable. I always gain weight.
- There has been a Zoom, MCM, mini series meeting each month, often the third Thursday. There is a topic, and a short check-in.
- Website — Dan Kirchoff is such an expert and working on that. PayPal is going to be used which will enable electronic fund transfer. The second account will be separate and not have any electronic access. The website will be finished by spring. It appears it is a large task.
- Ham — jobs, there is new talent!
a. The program committee will plan the weekend and work jobs. Thanks goes out to them.
b. The next weekend will be May 5-6-7, 2023.
c. Charlie did a great job as facilitator last weekend. Who is next? A great question.
d. Brad once again did a great job Friday night. Because of Covid, we do not have a pot luck Friday night.
e. Saturday breakfast, Dan and Tomas. Tomas reports he is always up in the AM.
f. Saturday lunch, Bob H.
g. Sunday night?
h. The board describes how meetings are facilitated.
i. Variety show was done by Phil.
j. Coffee — Vince.
k. Worships, John McBee.
l. New registrar is Tom Beal.
m. Postmaster General is Maine Bob for mailchimp, email and last, but not least, UPS.
n. Food master Brad, what would we do without him?
o. Dishwasher — John Bangemann.
p. There is a discussion resulting in the term “scullery meister” and it is Carl, proud of his profession. - Someone will keep track of new men and all who came for the weekend. Care will be used with all the names, addresses, and email addresses. They will not be published or on the website.
- There are signs starting on Route 1 to Tanglewood. The registrar (or is it Tomas?) will be made or maintained and placed for the weekend as everyone does not know how to find Tanglewood.
- Med bag — Joss, after first declining any comment due to not having thought about it, spoke about what could happen and he mentioned the possibility of falling at night without lights, on the many stone steps and admonished being careful. A suggestion to add solar lights was followed by the enjoyment of the night sky with no lights outside much on the 900 acres of Tanglewood.
- MCM manual has be updated by Dave to 9/26/22, quite a task. Brad has an electronic copy. Dave gave Joss the hardcopy in a three-ring notebook. Dave thinks the minutes are necessary for the rules of MCM as a non-profit corporation in the State of Maine.
Respectfully submitted, Joss Coggeshall