Note: Meeting conducted by MCM President, David Hanc

  1. Thanks goes out to Michael Scott and the Program Committee for the wonderful weekend theme along with the opening and closing circles. Also, thanks to the MCM Board of Directors for their efforts in coordinating and assisting in the weekend’s success.
  2. David outlined the duties of the MCM Board, meeting schedules; asked for the current board members to stand and be recognized; and asked for any new men who were interested in serving on the board to speak up. Jonathan (Joss) Coggeshall volunteered to join the board – Welcome Joss.
  3. Treasurer’s Report (Ian): current balance (not counting this weekend’s receipts or expenditures) for MCM = $4938.38.
    a. Discussion: Tom Jamrog’s question: How much have we taken in on the auction items? (Board to discuss keeping a running tally)
    b. Dan Kirchoff volunteered to bring to the weekend some of his drawings of MCM brochures to be auctioned off.
    c. Gary Timmerman asked what services could MCM offer as an organization to be auctioned off. David responded that as a non-profit MCM cannot auction off services however individuals or groups of individuals can,  and donate the money earned. Board will discuss.
    d. Question about the cost for a weekend – David’s responded an estimated is about $2200 – $2500 – board will discuss and tally the weekend expenses for a more accurate account.
  4. John Bangeman resigned from the Registrar position. Tomas Levesque volunteered to take it on. Maine Bob will be the back-up registrar. Thank You to these individuals for their service and future help.
  5. Ian Collins has resigned as MCM Treasurer’s job. Thank you Ian for a job well done. John Bangeman will be the new treasurer. Joss Coggeshall will be the back-up/co treasurer. Board needs to ratify these decisions so the names on the bank accounts can be changes. Thanks for stepping up, gentleman.
  6. Ian Collins and John Sommo will work on the 501c3 filing responsibilities and develop a job description of steps to take. These steps will become part of the MCM Manual for future use.
  7. Discussion about meat dishes being served at the retreat: At the last retreat in May, Tanglewood employees left platters of meat for MCM to use. They were served at the Friday night potluck, the men at the weekend asked if the board would discuss allowing meat att the Pot Luck Dinner. The Board agreed that it is ok for men to bring meat dishes for the Fri. potluck but the meals need to be clearly identified as meat. The Weekend Retreat is still primarily a vegetarian event. Also, if you have food allergies or restrictions, please contact Brad or Tomas, (registrar) at least a week before the weekend so arrangements can be made.
  8. Transgender Individuals – This is an ongoing discussion. MCM supports and welcomes any “self-identified” man.
  9. Upcoming MCM Retreat is May 1,2,3, 2020
    a. Jobs and Tasks List: (See Attached)
  10. Other: Board should remind Dan Kirchoff to provided press release in advance of the weekend. Dan requested a picture of MCM Board to use in these publications.
  11. Business Meeting adjourned at 8:55 AM on October 20th, 2019
  12. Next Board Meeting is Oct 29, Tuesday from 6-8 at John Sommo’s house

Minutes submitted by Ex-registrar John Bangeman – October 27, 2019. Minutes Accepted on: 1/08/20

MCM Jobs and Tasks: May 1, 2 3 2020

Program Committee: Ham Niles, Dan Kirchoff
Weekend Facilitator:  _____?_______    Maine Bob O’Connor (Board Member)
Fri Night Pot Luck:   John Bangeman, John Sommo
Sat Breakfast:  Maine Bob O’Connor, Daniel Wendel Tomas Levesque
Sat Lunch: Charles Gifford, Tom Jamrog
Sat Dinner: George Aguiar, Tom Jamrog
Sun Breakfast: Daniel Wendel, Tom Jamrog
Variety Show: Lew McGregor
Auctioneer: David Hanc
Auctioneer Assistant/Recorder: Michael Scott
Coffee Meister: John Sommo. Back up – David Hanc
Workshop Organizers: Charles Guilford, John McBee            
Registrar: Tomas Levesque, back up Maine Bob O’Connor
Treasurers: John Bangeman. Joss Coggeshall
Post Master General: Maine Bob O’Conner, Thomas Levesque, (Tom Beal?)
Food Master Chef: Brad Purdy, Vincent  Dufort       
Master of the Kitchen: Brad Purdy, Vincent  Dufort       
Dishwasher Meister: Lew McGregor, John Bangeman
Med Kit Supervisor: Joss Coggeshall  Back Up: Phil Elkin
Quilt Curator: Tomas Levesque
Tanglewood Liaison: Tom Jamrog, Back Up David Hanc     
Brochure: Tom Beal, Vincent Dufort   
Brochure Proof Reader: MCM Board
Fire keeper: Joss Coggleshell, Carl Stoddard
Keeper of the MCM Bocce Balls: David  Hanc
Bell Keeper: Charles Guilford, Holbrook Williams
MCM Drum Keeper: Charles Guilford (Michael Scott currently has it)
MCM Signs: Tomas Levesque
Photographer: Maine Bob O’Connor, Backup: David Hanc
Website Guru: Tom Beal, Dan Kirchoff 
Website Managers: Tom Beal, Dan Kirchoff, Maine Bob O’Connor
Facebook Managers: Dan Kirchoff, Advisor Maine Bob (Board Agenda)
Keeper of the Mailing Lists: Maine Bob O’Connor, Tomas Levesque, David Hanc
Pictorial Historian: Ben Rehmeyer