Zoom Meeting. (Zoom Master) Maine Bob
Present: David Hanc, John Bangeman, Maine Bob O’Connor, Tomas Levesque, George Aguiar, Joss Coggeshall
- Check-In
- Update from Brad. Brad is resigning from the MCM Board due to personal issues. Thanks go out to him for his many years of being on the board
- Treasurer’s Report. Nothing new to report at this time.
- Review MCM Board minutes from 10/21/2020. Minutes Approved.
- Mini-Series Update and discussion
Tomas: “no registration needed; first come, first serve”. This is in response to an earlier suggestion to have men register for each mini-series presentation.
MaineBob: “go ahead w/series schedule we have put together – timing is good”. We will do labels. Mail Chimp information can go out. 150 postcards made. Bob will print 130 labels and print 2 return address labels. David to talk w/MaineBob about post cards. We will use Tomas’ address as the return address on the postcards.
a. Description of “QuaranTeaming”
i. How do I (we) find people to bring into the “pod”?
b. MCM website discussion – Invite Dan K to share the new website. Be sure to provide him feedback. - What still needs to be figured out for the Dec. 17 Mini Series faciloitated by George on Quran Teaming.
a. Need Mail Chimp message – encourage men to go to MCM website
b. Write-up for the website. MaineBob will format the Mail Chimp and put a Zoom link on the Mail Chimp. If the man isn’t on the MCM mailing list, have them send an email to Tomas and he will send the person a link.
c. Directions or assistance on how to use the Zoom link. The person can contact MaineBob if having problems getting Zoom connection. David will pull the postcard together, then send it to MaineBob to check for technical issues.
d. Board decided that no registration is needed.
e. Registering for all workshops? The issue made moot by “d.”. - George offered to the Board two new workshop suggestions: Non-Violent Communication and Council of Circles. Possible date for the Non-violent Communication workshop would be Feb. 25th, 2021 date.
a. “How to prevent a Coup”. George: Robert Jensen book; Marshall Rosenberg-Non-violent Communication; Joanna Macy – modernize Non-violent work; George Lake? – Quaker.
b. Council of Circles
i. Attendees 6-8 MCM members. $80/person.
Question on who would pay for attending. MCM? The person? No final decision made for non members of MCM
ii. Theme: “People aren’t good and bad – People do good and bad things”.
iii. “Spontaneous Communication”: offer this to MCM community. Put the information out on the MCM website, on Mail Chimp. - Other: David and MaineBob to discuss postcard tomorrow. George to contact the Council of Circles and let them know MCM is interested. MaineBob – didn’t get a corporate account for MCM set up yet – continue going ahead with that action.
- Next meeting: December 9th, 2020 at 630pm (Zoom meeting).
Minutes accepted Jan 14, 2021