Place: Charlie’s House
In Attendance: Maine Bob, David, Brad, Carl, John B., and Charlie
Minutes submitted by: David / Charlie
1. Check In
2. Positive weekend all around. Theme with follow up workshops worked well. We would like to see more men attend. Attendance will be worked on for the next weekend by the board. Posting the “Jobs” listing during weekend saved a lot of time during General Meeting … this practice should continue. Having children at the weekend on Saturday was uncomfortable for some men. This was probably a one time event so no action at this time.
3. Minutes from Sept 20 and the General Meeting were accepted with minor grammatical and spelling corrections.
4. Treasures Report – Ian was unable to be at this meeting. The Treasure’s report will be inserted in to these minutes at a later time.
a. From Ian (Nov 17, 2016 revised):
Fall 2016 Fall Weekend Accounting
Income Expense
Registration $2,165.00
T-wood $1,260.00
MMG Insurance ½ annual $200.00
Stamps $117.50
Printing $258.54
Food $500.00
Program $43.40
Coffee $59.93
Total $2165.00 $2,439.37
Loss – $274.37
Current balance as of Nov 17, 2016: $2673.47
5. Program Committee and workshops
a. Once the Program committee decides on a theme the board will e-mail a blurb to men on our list to encourage them to plan a workshop with regards to the theme. A blurb will also be placed in the brochure asking men to develop a theme related workshop. The board will brainstorm ideas for workshops and send this list out to the general group as possible suggestions
b. Program committee members need to contact Workshop Coordinators and discuss how one can help the other. Workshop Coordinators are also free to contact the Program Committee members before the weekend.
c. Should the workshops be planned for men who attend? Lively discussion about going to the weekend to do your own thing or to have the day activities planned out for you. There are advantages and disadvantages to both. The Program Committee would need to decide if this fits their theme and be willing to coordinate this effort.
d. Physical Contact and Omming — Any man should feel free to start an ommm or initiate group contact. The Program Committee needs to also look at this and see where or if it fits into their vision. It was felt that more of both is needed.
6. Photo and Contact list will be made available ASAP and e-mailed out to members who attended the weekend.
7. E-mail Blurb about last weekend will go out with the photo and Contact List
8. The board was directed by the membership to decide what the minimum number of men should be to hold the weekend event. The board decided 10 would be the number as long as the treasury had the money to meet expenses. The decision to hold the weekend will be decided by the board one week in advance. Carl, Tanglewood Liaison, will talk with Pattie from USM to see the cost of canceling the event. The Board will continue discussion of this topic at our next meeting.
9. Saturday Only attendance. The cost will be set at $30. If they stay overnight an additional fee will be added depending on where they stay, cabin or parking lot.
10. The board was asked to discuss young men coming on Saturday to see what the weekend is about. Men already have the choice of bringing young men for a part time experience. We could offer young men age 12-15 an opportunity to come from Lunch (morning) though Dinner. We would need to advertise this and have a coordinator to be sure activities were set up for them. Brad offered to get them involved in the kitchen for Dinner. This concept will be further discussed at our next meeting.
11. Holbrook invited a Board Member to his radio show in the spring. This issue has merit and has been tabled while we seek a volunteer.
12. Website — Charlie has been working with Tom and has made some positive changes. David will send updated minutes to be posted on the site. The dates need to be checked for future weekend.
13. By-Laws — Alan has been working on these. This issue will be added to next agenda
14. MCM Manual descriptors — Each person who has a Job/responsibility/position for the weekend or on the board is asked to write up a short blurb describing what they do and send it to David for the Manual.
15. Common Ground Fair — Carl will contact Mainly Men and discuss if this is possible. People need to man the booth during the fair. Carl will coordinate this effort if we decide to do it.
16. MCM needs a mailing address if we are to be incorporated. John B said we could use his at this time since it has been used for the registrations.
17. Weekend Job List Volunteers — It was decided that this not be posted on the website or in the minutes but will be sent out in an e-mail blurb before the weekend as well as putting a copy in volunteer’s snail mail brochure.
18. Other: Phone-a-Thon — Maine Bob and Charlie will work on the list of men we have and be prepared to split up with Board members willing to call. They will decide the questions to be asked and we will discuss how to update this info into the MCM Membership Bank. The phone a thon is slated for this winter.
19. Next meeting will be January 10, 2017 at Charlie’s House. Snow date is the 17th. If the weather looks questionable David and Charlie will decide and send an e-mail out by noon on Jan 10.
Accepted March 30, 2017