Date: March 30, 2017
Place: Charlie’s house
In Attendance: Maine Bob, Carl. John B, Charlie, David
Minutes submitted by: David and Charlie
1. Check in
2. Treasurer’s Report:
a. Starting Balance $2655.47 (Printing of brochure and posters $287.89, Postage $127.50) Current Balance $2243.47.
b. Yearly insurance Jan to Dec. will be one bill to match our contracts with Tanglewood
3. Minutes from Nov 15, 2016 and Jan.31, 20017 accepted with minor spelling corrections.
4. Buying MCM Coffee Pumps: Carl, Coffee Meister will explore the possibility of buying coffee from Bill’s coffee if he will lend us pumps for the weekend. Carl will also explore the cost of 3 pumps. Carl will e-mail the board if he needs a decision on purchasing the pumps. Carl will contact Tanglewood reps to see if they can provide pumps that work or a coffee machine that will make pumps unnecessary.
5. Cloud Update: MCM data will be saved to Google Drive. MCM will also purchase a 16 GB drive as a back up. Currently David will keep a paper copy of minutes and manual. Maine Bob will keep an electronic copy of photos as well as the current mailing lists. Charlie will gather data and set up the Google Drive and will instruct the MCM board on how to access it.
6. Phone-a-Thon update was a success. Approximately 1/3 of the numbers we had were no longer in use. It was decided to send all men on the mailing list a post card asking for updated address, contact number, e-mail etc. Any man who was not contacted by the phone a thon efforts that does not respond to the post card will be dropped. MCM will use the men who have been present for the past 5 years at any one of the weekends as a base for the mailing list.
7. WERU — Carl, Maine Bob and Charlie will represent MCM on Holbrook’s show on April 20 to inform and advertise for the weekend.
8. Upcoming MCM Weekend May 5, 6 and 7
a. Job Responsibilities review
i. Bob will contact Joe R and Charles G the workshop organizers
ii. Need to contact Dan to be sure road signs are in place
iii. Check with Alan to be sure Med Kit is at the weekend
b. Auction — Program Committee will decide the format as to how this will work
c. Tanglewood Liaison Meeting. Carl will call Steve and be this contact for information about Tanglewood for the weekend
d. Saturday one day experience for youth. Charlie will guide the young men in the morning. Brad will guide them in the afternoon.
e. Sweat — Carl will meet with Rich to find several possible spots for the sweat should we have one. Concern was discussed that if we have 25 men show for the weekend and 12 decide on the sweat will there be enough men for other workshops. The seat typically takes 6 hours. Carl will follow up with John B.
f. MOFGA Booth has been requested for the Common Ground Fair
9. Articles of Incorporation — Discussed, revised and approved. The Board approved and will move forward so we can be incorporated.
10. By-Laws — Discussed and approved. These will be submitted as part of the incorporation process. Incorporation and By laws will be discussed at the MCM General Meeting on May 7. Members will be informed that changes to these documents can be made at any time by submitting an amendment. Suggestions for these documents are always welcomed by the board from its membership for discussion.
11. Manual Update was passed out for review. Please send any corrections to David as we would like to present this our membership at the May weekend.
12. Other:
a. Vincent will host our Website. Thank You Vincent.
Next Meeting will be the Weekend General Meeting on May 7, 2017
Minutes Accepted by e-mail vote April 20, 2017