Date: May 1, 2016
Place: Tanglewood
In Attendance: See attendance list from weekend
Minutes submitted by: David, taken by Charlie
1. Acknowledgements and thanks to present Board Members. Ham and Ward were recognized for past service on the board. We have 11 active members and have 2 open spots on the board. Any man is welcomed, contact David or any board member with your interest.
Board meetings are open to all men. Contact any board member to find out next date of board meeting. New website will have this information.
2. Treasure’s report: Exclusive of weekend income and expenses we have $1,893.71. We will continue to strive to get and keep $3000 in the bank for future weekends. It was suggested that we have a separate line for scholarships and donations. This will be put on the board agenda as it involves the status of 501-C3.
3. Confidentiality Statement was reviewed. Suggestions for board to consider:
a. Keep in mind that a man may not be in the same place when he is contacted outside the weekend
b. Simplify to one sentence
c. “What happens at Tanglewood stays at Tanglewood”
d. “A man’s story is his own, not yours to share.”
e. Be more specific
4. Sweats — Out of 19 men 9 said they would participate. Suggestion was to have the option on the brochure. Board will discuss.
5. 501 C-3 was discussed. The membership moved unanimously to have the board go forward and incorporate to have a non-profit status.
6. Procedural Manual — Members were asked to volunteer to be readers and make suggestions on what we have so far. Ian, Joe, R, Alan, Dan, Charlie and John B will work with David on this.
7. Membership was asked about electronic registration and payment. Small interest in this happening. Board will discuss.
8. Curator: Charles G. will work on this. Charlie C will set up account on the cloud and contact Charles G.
9. Joe R will write a job description for Quilt Curator.
10. Board to get out “snarky e-mails” during the summer to remind men to find new men and plan to attend fall weekend. Board will discuss who will do this.
11. Photograph and weekend men’s list. It was asked that this be set out soon after the weekend as possible. Men appreciated the names on the picture and asked that this continue. Thanks goes to Maine Bob for doing this.
12. New Men mentoring should continue as it has for the past few weekends.
13. Brainstorming “How to get new or more men to attend”
a. Phone-a-Thon
b. Posters
c. Call the men you missed or would like to see there
d. Talk about it with friends
e. Press releases
f. Common Ground Fair Booth with Mainely Men
g. Sandwich board on streets handing out brochures
h. Free tickets on radio to bring in more men
i. Contact Mainely Men and invite them to MCM weekend
Minutes Accepted by board May 17, 2016