Date: June 17, 2015 
Place: Ward’s house in Searsport 
In Attendance: Don, Ham, Bob, Ward, David, Alan, 
Minutes submitted by: David 

1. Check In. 

2. Minutes from May 20, 2015 reviewed and accepted with minor changes. 

3. Treasure’s Report: Current Balance is $2524.46 with no outstanding bills. 

4. Update on pay on-line for weekend – Ian was not available for this meeting and is looking into this possibility. 

5. When new by laws are developed a statement about communication to others outside of MCM a statement about secrecy/confidential needs to be addressed. 

6. Mission Statement thoughts…Statement could convey: The higher purpose of MCM; How do we make the world a better place; Acknowledge a cultural change; Provide an environment. David will put out a request for all Board Members to take a moment to write up a sample Mission Statement for discussion. A Mission Statement is normally 1-2 sentences and to the point. 

7. Check In/Check Out: This is an ongoing discussion with opinions ranging from “take as long as you want and say what you want to say” to “limit your time and stick to the topic of the weekend”. Many approaches have been tried in the past and no one solution is satisfactory to all members. At the beginning of each Check Out/Check In session a board member will remind people that it is perfectly OK to stay or leave respectfully during these times. Tolerance will be mentioned as well as asking men to take the time they need and beware of rambling or the time they are taking to share. The Program Committee may also have further stipulations depending on the theme. 

8. A “Curator “ will a term we use rather than Historian. At the next weekend the Board will ask if any member of MCM would like to take on this position. It does not have to be a board member. At the next meeting the board will discuss what the Curator will be asked to do. 

9. By-laws development. It was decided that by-laws are needed to ensure that MCM has a guide to follow. The purpose is to help the organization stay stable. By-laws are routinely discussed and always open for change. This will be an on-going discussion of the board as we develop a format and items that we feel are important to address. 

10. Board Members: A discussion was held about term lengths, the mechanics of joining or leaving the board, the number of people that can be on the board. One thing that was decided is to have a total of 12 members to have a functioning board. Ward J. and Allan P. have asked to be on the board and the group agreed to their request. Currently we have 12 members on the board. At this time requests will be taken and names will put in a waiting list. Current board members should think about their involvement and commitment at this time in helping the board move forward. 

11. Electronic Registration: This is still being worked on. It has to be set up correctly. Discussion will be held at next meeting if this is possible for the October Weekend. 

12. Budget Process: The current method is working well and Ian and Bob should continue this process…Thank You Men. 

13. Summer Celebration: Ham and Carl are working on this. The event will be in September. Ideas, advertising and framework will be presented at the next Board Meeting. 

14. Med Kit / Bocce Balls: Joe R. will talk with Phil and together will put together a new Med Kit. David spoke with John about the Bocce Ball that broke and will work with him to get them replaced. They came from LL Bean so they may be covered. David will buy a set of Bocce Balls from LL Bean so we can have the lifetime warrantee. 

15. Old Business: 
a. Blurb to be sent out about the weekend after the fact or is Sunday’s Circle enough for closure. It was decided that the Circle was enough for closure. 
b. We will attempt to list the names of the men on the group picture so men can remember who they are. 
c. Website: Ham and Bob will work to keep it updated. David will send Ham past minutes that have been written 
d. Group Picture/Attendance List will be sent out when it is ready 
e. Phone-a-thon. An attempt to have one this fall will be made. David will try to locate the question sheet so men can ask the same questions. Bob and Ham will work on the phone list. At the next Board meeting we will decide if we are ready to do it this fall. 
f. David will contact Jeff to see if men contacted him about the money he received. 

16. Other: 
a. Use of E-mail: The use of this email list from the members will be exclusively used for business concerning the MCM weekends. This will not be used to ask for donations or other solicitations. 
b. Ward is developing a proposal to develop a coin to commemorate MCM. The idea was well received and a cost analysis will be done. 

17. Next Meeting will be August 12, 2015 at David’s house in Jefferson or Thomaston. Info will be sent with directions regarding where the meeting will be held. 

Accepted by board on Aug. 12, 2015.