In Attendance: David, Bob, John B, Tomas, John S
Minutes Submitted by: David (assisted by John S)
1. Check in
2. Carl asked to resign from the board at this time. Carl was recognized as a valued member of the board and will be missed.
3. Minutes from June 27 were reviewed and accepted
4. Treasure’s Report: Current balance is 3,696.24
a. Request from Ian to change banks from TD bank to another bank that is more convenient. The request was granted with Ian and Tomas will discuss which bank would be best and make the change.
b. John B and David will get together and rent a bank safe deposit box for the important papers of MCM. The cost in minimal.
5. MCM Weekend
a. Jobs and Tasks:
b. Tomas volunteered to be Weekend Facilitator Back Up
c. Auctioneer will be determined at the weekend
d. Survey will be discussed at the weekend business meeting. Suggestion is that we develop a survey to be sent to all men after the Oct weekend retreat.
e. Bandana’s discussion is on hold until we see how much money is in the treasury after the weekend. We still need to find out the cost to have them printed with the MCM logo.
f. If young men come to the retreat, all board members will make it a point to help them feel welcomed.
g. Mentoring – Charlie will be reminded to set up mentors using the members of the board. He will send us the contact info. (David will contact him)
h. New Man’s Initiative – 3 will be given out for this retreat. The board understands that this will bring us below the $3500 amount we set as an amount to keep in the bank.
i. Tanglewood Liaison – David will fill in until a new man volunteers. Tom J is next on the list, David will contact him.
6. Common Ground Fair:
a. David will order an additional banner indicating that we are “Building a Community of Men”.
b. Bob and Charlie will set up the table and banners. They will also coordinate the volunteer times. A mail chimp blurb will be sent out asking for more volunteers.
c. Discussion about the materials that we have at the table. The poem was discussed and will again be used along with posters, brochures and business cards.
7. The MCM manual is now complete. This manual will be posted on our website to assist anyone to put a weekend retreat on as well as all decisions that have been made by the board since October 2014. This is a working document with many more things to be added. Each Board member will receive a hard copy.
8. For Future meetings – Tabled items form past meetings are: Web site managers, website guru, Facebook Managers roles need to be clarified. Keeper of the Mailing Lists as well as Post Master General roles also need to be defined. Creating a Communications Director, what would be the responsibilities?
9. Other:
a. John will try to write something up for a public service announcement as to what we do.
b. Dan Kirchoff will be notified to get the info to the radio and newspapers contacts about the weekend retreat.
Minutes accepted Dec. 5, 2018