In Attendance: John, David, Bob, Tomas, Joss. Special Guests: Dan K, Ham N.
Minutes Submitted by: John Sommo and David Hanc
- Check In
- Review Minutes from 10/29/19. Accepted with minor revisions
- Treasure’s Report will be made by Tomas and John B. The report will be included in the minutes when complete.
a. Tomas will meet with John B and Ian. They need to go to the bank to have John’s name on the account so he can write checks.
b. What we want to keep records on will be discussed at the next meeting.
c. Joss will back up John B as treasurer - Program Committee:
a. Ham and Dan will write the blurbs about the May retreat’s “Theme” and get it to Maine Bob for distribution using mail chimp. He will send the blurbs out in the middle of Feb, March and April. Blurbs will include requests for workshops with ideas of what will support the theme. Other workshop ideas will be welcomed for workshops.
b. Auction times – Lower priced items can be set up as a silent auction.
i. The “Live Auction” should be held before dinner – time TBA. This will provide more
time for men to mingle and talk. The times need to be posted.
c. Men should be invited to make things for the auction using their talents. This will be posted in the blurb and in the confirmation letter.
d. At the General Meeting David will ask for ideas about the Auction and if we should continue it in the future. - Getting workshops: Men will be encouraged in the blurbs and the confirmation letter to consider coordinating workshops with the theme of Shadow and Monsters, which will be explained in the blurbs as well as the Brochure by the Program Committee.
- John S and Ian are to discuss our 501c3 and write up what it is as well as what MCM needs for us to remain eligible. John will also look at our by-laws to see what they need to be updated. (Charlie’s name needs to be taken off this document at his request)
- Cancellation of a weekend due to extreme circumstances: The Board will make the decision by the Thursday before the retreat if something happens. The Registrar will contact people who signed up and inform them of our decision. A note will go out via mail chimp for men who might be planning to just show up. The board had previously decided we needed 10 men to have the weekend. This was amended to 16 men as this would pay for the renting of the facility with MCM picking up any additional cost using money in the bank account saved for this purpose.
- MCM Productions: The 5-minute movie was approved and permission was granted to make this public. This movie did its best to follow our confidentiality code and the men in it gave permission for their likeness to be publicized. This movie will be made available on our website and sent out to all men on our mailing list. The movie will be posted on u-tube.
- Phone a thon will be used to encourage men to attend the May retreat. Maine Bob will split up the names for the board to call a week before the brochures will be mailed. If any board member is unable to make calls please let us know at the next meeting. We have about 130 names and that would be about 12-15 names apiece.
- Activity at the Retreat – CD exchange /sale. Men will be encouraged to go through their CD collection and donate unwanted CDs to MCM. These CDs will be set up for men to go through and pay what they want for new music. The rest of the CDs will be donated to Goodwill. Brad will bring boxes to help organize this effort. John S or John B will coordinate tis effort.
- Dan is developing a new MCM website. He will keep us up to date before posting. He is working on a way to have people sign up on-line with a minimal of work for the registrar.
- Excess funds: Discussion on how best to use them was tabled for the next meeting.
- Memorials for men who have died. This discussion was tabled for next meeting.
- MCM has a private face book page. It was decided that this page be made public to find men who are looking for this type of experience. Discretion will be monitored for what we post while keeping to our confidentiality agreement.
- John S will contact Giovanni and discuss his continuation on the board at this time.
- Joss presented ideas for workshops: Book Reports, Journal Writing, Social Action, Social Conscience, Town News, Solar Projects. These should be included in the confirmation letter and discussed at the General Meeting at the weekend retreat.
- Stamp and Fold Party March 18 – Place – TBA at the next board meeting
- Next Board Meeting is at March 11 at John B or David’s house. (David may not be available for this meeting as he is planning a trip in March – He will keep you informed of his plans)
Minutes voted on and accepted by the board on March 25, 2020