Date: August 28, 2014
Place: Jefferson, Maine
In attendance: Mike Sylvia, Brad Purdy, Ian Collins, Carl Stoddard, David Hanc
Minutes submitted by: David Hanc
1. The theme for the Oct. 17-19 weekend will be “Relationships”. After lively discussion and brainstorming we came to realize that “relationships” are at the core and can be applied to everything. Relationships with self, partners, co-workers, friends, relatives, god, men at the weekends, as well as our relationship with the environment all have different levels of meaning and purpose. Ideas for activities started to flow with the possibility that workshops could develop from the following topics:
-How are we all connected?
-Make an effort to sit with someone different at the weekend.
-Does relationship building need to be practiced?
-How to reach out in a relationship
-Deepening a relationship
-And many more…
It was decided that board members needed time to think on this and to bring ideas and activities to the next board meeting.
2. Ian, Mike and Brad will take on the role of the Program Committee, supported by the rest of the board. Thank you.
3. This group felt that in the future the Program Committee needs to come from the men attending the weekend as the board needs to focus on matters to allow the weekends to continue and grow in membership. Board members can volunteer during the weekend business meeting so as to not leave the planning up to the board.
4. Offers to help and assignments:
-Ham through e-mail has offered any assistance to help the weekend be a success. He will be contacted and asked by David to coordinate the mailing.
-Dan has also offered to work on the brochure/poster if the board could send a blurb about the theme.
-Ian will write up this paragraph, send it to David to look at and it will be sent to Dan this weekend.
-This blurb will also be sent to Maine Bob to post and update our webpage by David
-David will contact Ham to locate the list of who is doing what at the weekend as well as who volunteered for meals. When this gets to Brad he will contact the people about the menu
– Lew offered his help through e-mail and Brad will contact him about doing a mass e-mail to the people at the May 2014 weekend to urge them to find one new person to bring to the upcoming weekend. Brad will help craft this write up with Lew and contact John Bangeman to get the registration list from the last weekend. Lew will be asked to send it out and answer any follow-up questions.
-David will write up a blurb for the brochure encouraging men to do a workshop and send it to Dan.
5. Discussion was held around the topic of doing a mass phone call effort to encourage men to attend the upcoming weekend. The conclusion was we do not have enough time to make the calls. Ham and Bob have been working on collating and cleaning up the mailing list that once had 700 names on it. We decided to do it properly and we need time to plan an approach and discuss strategies on how to accomplish this task. David offered and shared the spreadsheet that was developed last year for consideration. Discussion on this topic will continue after the Oct weekend.
6. By-laws and written role responsibilities were discussed. Brad had suggested that we contact Frank Leman as he remembers he had boxes of minutes, pictures etc… from MCM past history. By-laws could be in this historical record.
7. Ian presented a Treasures Report noting that we currently have $1743.83. We are in good shape as we move forward.
8. David is the new Tanglewood liaison and contacted Patricia Chapman, the Administrative Assistant at the University of Maine Cooperative Extension to discuss the upcoming weekend. We are all set and ready to go. David will do a sight visit before the weekend with Richard or Steven at Tanglewood.
When: September 25 from 6-8. Please come earlier for check in and general discussions of life.
Where: Brad’s house: 284 Howe Hill Rd, Camden, ME
IMPORTANT: Please email Brad to RSVP as well as ask for directions if needed
Minutes accepted 9/25/14