Date: Jan 16, 2018
Place: David’s House in Jefferson
In Attendance: Charlie, Lew, Steve C. Steve A. Giovani (John), David, Carl, John B.
Minutes submitted by: David assisted by Charlie notes
1. Check in
a. (Correction: the date on the agenda should read Jan 16, 2018)
2. Review of Minutes from Oct 23, 2017 — accepted with revisions
3. Treasure’s Report: Currently we have $3,876.49
a. The amount in the reserve account was increased to $3,500. Discussion on how to spend monies beyond reserve account was tabled.
b. Weekend deposits can be made by Treasurer or designee of Treasurer.
c. The Treasurer needs to be on the MCM Board of Directors.
4. Remembering those who have died —
a. Memorial scholarships will not be used as a way to honor a man who has died. Time will be put aside to talk about men who have passed at the weekend. Possibly a workshop or a time around the outside fire pit. Giovanni and David will discuss this and prepare a process to be tried at the next weekend.
b. Ian purchased 6 statues that look like Joe to be auctioned off. Ian asked if this money could then be donated to the family. At this time, MCM does not solicit funds from MCM members for other organizations or individuals.
c. Tomas will get the quilt from Barb R. Giovanni will check in with Tomas and offer to pick them up .
5. Tanglewood Liaison — Carl
a. Carl received an e-mail from Patti and will forward this information to the members of the board.
b. Carl will work on identifying the areas where a workshop can be held. He will note the size of the room and if it has heat and/or electricity.
6. MCM Weekend May 4, 5, 6 2018
a. Program Committee: Vincent and David – Topic: Passion
b. Creating Workshops: V and D will recruit members for workshops so information can be put on website as well as on brochure.
c. Fold and Stamp Party on March 20 at Steve Case’s house
d. Brochures get sent out March 26. A note needs to explain to people the importance to sign up early to help make plans for food, supplies, etc.
e. Info for Brochures is due late February. Charlie will help train people developing the brochure.
f. E-mail/Blurbs reminding people of the weekend. Program committee will write these up and send to Charlie to be posted
g. Auction monies will go into the General Fund. A financial assistant will be needed to work with Auctioneer (Charlie) to keep track of the money and who bought what.
h. MCM will be developing a form so men can claim their donations for tax purposes.
7. Use of Electronics at the MCM Weekend.
a. Personal use of electronics will be discouraged in the main lodge and any area that men are gathering or talking.
b. MCM Photographer, Maine Bob, is the only person who is allowed to take pictures of any kind at the weekend.
c. Electronics can be used in a workshop if needed. Presenter will be responsible for any equipment used.
d. Electronics can be used in a presentation but not used as the presentation.
8. Mentor Program: The registrar will contact board members to mentor new members. The registrar will attempt to assign the mentor early enough so the new man can be contacted by the mentor to welcome him.
9. Setting the tone of the Opening Circle and Weekend. Refer to the past minutes (10/18/15 #21) on writing a blurb for men to read when registering. Men who have passed will be asked to join us in spirit at the beginning of the circle. Program Committee will set the tone.
10. Variety Show — When the Variety Show is announced at the weekend, it will be mentioned that men showcase their act in a reasonable amount of time so all acts can be enjoyed without going late into the night. The MC will work to keep the acts moving along.
11. Decreasing MCM Board e-mails was discussed at the last board meeting.
12. Use of Electronics (See item #7)
13. Other:
a. “Hook Topics” or workshops will be posted on Facebook and/or Website — Program Committee will get these to Charlie to post.
b. Inviting specific groups to weekend. Specific groups will not be targeted but rather a general invite to all self-identified men will be used as in the past.
c. T-shirts — Giovani will contact Dan K about artwork. We have a logo but need a copy that will be used to print. David will find out the price of shirts and mugs for the next meeting.
d. Common Ground Fair — When do we need to sign up by? Charlie is the coordinator and will contact Maine Bob.
e. Lew discussed his ability to be present at the Board meetings. Lew was encouraged to stay with the board and support when he can. The Board realizes that it can be difficult to travel to meetings especially in the winter.
14. Next Meeting Date: March 20, 2018 from 5-8* at Steve Case’s House in Rockport
*note that the board meeting will be held first and then the stamp and
Fold fun will begin. (Note this meeting was cancelled, Stamp and fold
was completed by several board members)
(the meeting for March 20 was cancelled)
Minutes approved April 10, 2018