Meeting via Zoom. “Zoom Master: Maine Bob
Attending: Maine Bob O’Connor, David Hanc, John Bangeman, Tomas Levesque, George Aguiar, Joss Coggeshall, Brad Purdy, Charles Guilford, Ian Collins

  1. Check In
  2. Treasurer’s Report – Creating a bookkeeping ledger is a work in progress (John)
  3. Review minutes from September 24, 2020 and October 8, 2020 MCM Board Meeting – Minutes were approved.
  4. Discuss MCM future events
    It was decided that we would present a mini-series on topics that men may be interested in. We will start with 4 sessions.
    a. Format for a 2-hour event
    Check in, Presentation, Discussion, possible check out
    Facilitator will run the session
    Host will control the Zoom technical end
    Maine Bob could also create “co-host”
    b. MCM will buy its own Corporate Zoom account. Cost – $120/year.
    Maine Bob will set up account and email address to be used. The decision to establish an MCM Zoom account was voted on and approved.
    c. Etiquette during Zoom event will be in introduction of event. Time is limited so check in should be about how you are doing, Other members will not be able to ask questions or turn this into a discussion time but could use the “chat” to privately check in with a man during this session.
    d. The facilitator will determine how to run the check in for his session. We could just go in rotation, men could raise their hand to speak, facilitator can call on next man with hand raised.
    e. Limit number of people who can participate is 20 people
    f. Possible Topics
    a. Frances Weller – Grief
    “Pick a topic that we’re excited about leading”
    b. “Quaran team” (pod idea)
    c. Building Men’s Zoom Group – David to expand this more
    d. Live Presentations: Tom J, Chuck N
    20 minute presentations
    David to talk to Tom and Chuck
    e. A 2-hour time to just talk about a subject
    f. What nights:
    1st Session: Friday, Nov. 20th 7-9 pm. George A volunteers to be moderator for “Quaran Teams”
    2nd Session: Thursday, Dec. 17th 7-9 pm. Check-In: Open Topic. Facilitated by David Hanc
    3rd Session: Friday, Jan 22nd 7-9 pm Tom Jamrog to moderate Frances Weller – Grief
    4th Session: Thursday, Feb 25th 7-9 pm Check – In event
    5th Session: March date not chosen yet
    g. George to put together a write-up of what’s going to take place in the Nov. 20th Zoom session;
    Maine Bob to email Zoom link
    i. Moderator/Facilitator – needs Training? Do we have a trained moderator do this? Host does the technology piece of the event
  6. Advertising. It was decided that we will invite MCM members and their friends only at this time. These session will not be advertised via the paper or radio until we have a handle on how these will go.
    Focus on MCM Community and friends;
    Information will be sent out via mail chimp and postcard.
    “What we’re doing; First four sessions; Watch for email about the events; Check your email; Mark your calendars!; stick this postcard on your refrigerator to remember the dates!”
    David Hanc and John Bangeman to produce the postcard and get it sent out. Maine Bob  to send labels to David
  7. Next meeting:
    David to contact Dan Kirchoff and Tom Beal to let them know what we’re planning and thinking. Next MCM Board “Zoom” meeting on Wed, Nov. 11th Check – In at 630pm.

Minutes Accepted Nov 11, 2020