Meeting via Zoom. “Zoom-Master”: MaineBob
Members present: Bob O’Connor, David Hanc, John Bangeman, Brad Purdy, Tomas Levesque, George Aguiar, Joss Coggleshall

  1. Check In
  2. Acceptance of Minutes from MCM Board Meeting 08/13/2020 – Accepted.
    Acceptance of Minutes from MCM Board Meeting 05/28/2020 – Accepted through e-mail to David Hanc.
  3. Treasurer’s Report (Ian reports $5246.24)
    a. Possible discrepancy between May balance ($5442.24) and August balance ($5246.24) was investigated by John Bangeman. John met with Kim Hammond of Bangor Savings Bank in Rockland and reviewed monthly statements of the MCM checking account. The period reviewed was from 03/31/2020 thru 08/31/2020. There was no discrepancy found. The difference in the May balance and the August balance is due to i) a $400.00 check written to “MMG Insurance” on 04/25/2020; ii) a $35.00 check written to Charlie Crane (reimbursement for the check he wrote to the Maine Secretary of State for the annual filing of MCM non-profit status); and iii) a deposit of $239.00 from registration receipts and auction receipts from the October 2019 MCM Weekend.
    b. Official Treasurer and Co-Treasurer/Back-up status. John and Joss have signed bank documents to assume the above positions. Joss has one more document to sign and return to Bangor Savings bank. The form was sent to him by Kim Hammond.
    c. Update on the line-item budget idea for MCM finances. John and Joss need to get together and outline a structure that would help track the revenues and expenses/scholarships for an MCM weekend as well as any auction receipts generated at a weekend. Additionally, we may reach out to friends and/or spouses of MCM Board members who possess prior experience in bookkeeping.
  4. Results of the survey conducted in August 2020 (MaineBob)
    a. Discussion of this subject postponed until next meeting.
  5. Upcoming October retreat (in person/virtual)
    a. Update from Patti Chapman of Tanglewood on the use of Tanglewood facilities by MCM for an in-person event:
    i. MCM could use certain buildings at Tanglewood
    ii. Attendees would have to wear masks
    iii. Use of the kitchen would be hard to justify due to the extensive cleaning and disinfecting Tanglewood (or MCM) would have to do before and after the event
    iv. Tentative schedule would be a Saturday event with Sunday as the rain date. Date was not picked but would be sometime in October 2020 in keeping with the normal Fall MCM retreats
    b. After a discussion, the Board members present were polled about the question: Should MCM host a 1-day In-person event this Fall?
    The Board voted to NOT HOST an In-person event this Fall, due to the risks involved to the attendees.
  6. Zoom account for MCM future (MaineBob)
    a. MCM is currently using the Zoom account of MaineBob
    b. Bob: MCM can get an account for $15/month or $144/year
    c. The idea for a Zoom account for MCM (corporate account): good use of MCM time; ie “Ted talks”, You-tube
    d. Would give MCM option to host weekly or monthly Zoom Check-ins
    e. Concept of Zoom Check-In: “Content is key” (George)
    f. Statement: “we want to keep this brother group going” (Joss and MaineBob)
    g. Do we (MCM) want to do an MCM virtual day/event? Possible structure: Check-in; workshop or workshops; check-out or discussion.
    i. What is the topic of conversation? Ideas floated: Minnesota Men’s workshops videos, Inspirational speaker(s): Chuck Ngyn? Topic of “water”. “on connections”.
    ii. Inspirational: men in our community who are inspiring; “story-telling around campfire” -who would share inspirational story. Do we want to set-up a virtual 2-hr MCM Fall Campfire?
    a. Check in
    b. Inspirational story
    c. Check out
    h. Need program committee; Announce it (the event); Mail Chimp; Set up Zoom; Monitor Zoom; one inspirational story – continue next one in November, then December; keep event to 2 hrs; go visit Minnesota Men’s Conference website (Brad)
  7. Clarify our role as MCM
    a. Tabled until next Board meeting
  8. Reference to Rainy Day Fund
    a. Tabled until next Board meeting
  9. Spending money beyond the $3500 “rainy day fund”
    a. Tabled until next Board meeting
  10. Other
    a. Tabled until next Board meeting
  11. Next meeting (via Zoom): September 24th 630-830 pm.

Minutes accepted 9/24/20