Date: March 19, 2019
In Attendance: David, John B., Lew, Tomas, Jonathan P
Place: Jefferson
Minutes Submitted by: David and John B

  1. Check In. (Fold and Stamp Brochures 4:30-6)
  2. Treasure’s Report: Balance is $4,141.92
  3. Minutes from 1/16/19 discussed, reviewed, and approved with minor changes
  4. The Weekend Retreat
    1. Brochures are ready to be send out March 25 — David
    2. Dan K will be contacted by Lew to send out info to newspapers, radio, etc.
    3. Website Update — David will contact Tom B to update the website. In the future we need to update the website in a timely manner. New dates to be added as soon as possible with a mention that the new theme will be posted soon.
    4. David will contact Tom B and encourage him to send out the Retreat information to all men via the “mail chimp”.  Maine Bob may be asked to assist.
    5. Other advertising opportunity: The Buzz, Rockland’s local newspaper — David
    6. Poster and business cards: Board members will post these on bulletin boards in the area they live. Posters will be sent out with the Brochures asking men to post them in their communities.
    7. Letter of Confirmation — John B will work with Tom Beal in developing this letter.
  5. Initial discussion was help on active fund raising and how we would use the funds generated. Since we are nonprofit we need to look at the guidelines as to how MCM could be a beneficiary of an estate.  MCM could also put on a community dance to raise money. When MCM does have funds to spare we need to develop protocol on how to use the money.  Brainstormed ideas to consider in the future: Provide additional money to men to create programs at the retreat, waved fees for all new men, use the money to plan events to reach out to the community, giving to community projects, giving money to people or organizations in need, stipends for MCM president and or other officers, board members dining out once a year as a thank you for the work being done. It was agreed that we need to develop this plan carefully and set guidelines. Further discussion at future regular board meetings will be held.
  6. The “MCM Mission Statement”, “Confidentiality Agreement” and “Statement to Welcome all Men” were reviewed. Below is the Mission statement with proposed changes (in red). At the retreat in May this will be presented to the men asking for suggestions and comments. If appropriate a vote will be held to accept the revised statement.

Proposed  changes to “Mission Statement”, “Confidentiality Agreement” and “Statement to Welcome all Men”  (Changes in Red)

“The mission of MCM is to create a space where all men can come and gather to explore issues that are important to self and others in an encouraging and confidential environment”. (**10/18/2015 – #6)

Confidentiality Agreement:

 “It is essential that confidentiality be a top priority at MCM weekends retreats so men can feel safe to share and experience self growth in a caring, supportive environment.

Once a man leaves the weekend retreat it can be difficult challenging at times to share with loved ones around the growth they experienced without using a story or details on how the growth occurred.

If a man needs to share an experience it must be done in a way that protects the identity of the men at the weekend.  Names, age, situations, jobs or anything that could identify a specific man is not acceptable.

If a person wants/needs to share a story or the experience of another man outside the weekend retreat it is appropriate to ask that man for permission. (5/17/2016 – #7)

Statement to Welcome all Men

  • The Board will add the following statement to the by-laws as well as future flyers: “We, the MCM board, members of MCM, welcome all self identified men with respect and good will to be part of Maine Coast Men”  (6/18/2017 #1)
  • Specific groups will not be targeted to be invited but rather a general invite to all self-identified men will be used as in the past. (1/16/2018 #13b)
  • Registrar position: John B. has agreed to be the registrar for the Spring retreat. At the General Meeting we will ask for volunteers to be the registrar as well as a backup for the fall and beyond.
  • Reviewed lists for descriptions of jobs for the manual.  David will remind men to write a job description of the duty they perform. The hope is that this description will help get volunteers to fill positions if men know what is expected of them.
  • The board is currently working on a yearly timetable of dates when things need to be accomplished. Examples are: paying insurance, when to contact Tanglewood, send out brochures, filling out forms for nonprofit etc. David will put together what we currently know and this will be reviewed at our next regular board meeting.
  • By-laws need to be reviewed and updated yearly. Secretary John Sommo will be asked to lead this initiative. It was suggested we have a separate special board meeting to accomplish this or to have a subcommittee to take on this task. This will be discussed at the next regular board meeting.
  • Discussion was held as to how to “streamline” general board meeting at the retreat. The job lists will be posted along with a blank list of jobs so men can be encouraged to sign up before the meeting on Sunday.
  • Other:
    • The Board will discuss all concerns or questions brought to them and respond to that person in a reasonable amount of time.
    • Soon after the retreat the following will be sent out in an email:
      • The group picture and contact list
      • A statement about the weekend to wrap up this experience (the Program Committee may want to write this)
      • Dates for the next 2 MCM retreats
      • A list of positions that are still open for the next retreat
      • Lost and found items
    • Holbrook has an open invitation for MCM to join him in his radio broadcast to promote our efforts. Lew will consider this and call Holbrook.
    • At the next General Meeting we will brainstorm “How the men at the weekend can promote MCM for the future”
  • Next Meetings:
    • General Meeting at the May 2019 Retreat
    • Next board meeting Wednesday, May 15, 2019  6-8. John Bangeman’s house

Minutes approved by the board in using e-mail April 12, 2019