Date: May 18, 2017 
Place: Charlie’s House 
In Attendance: Alan, Paul, Charlie, Thomas, John, Bob, Carl, Brad, David 
Minutes submitted by: David 

1. Check In 

2. Thanks and welcome go out to the newest members of the MCM Board, Paul Bernacki and Thomas Levesque. 

3. Review of weekend — Great weekend, Successful auction, Beneficial Ted Talks discussion, Coffee quality discussed, Enjoyable Variety Show, Brotherhood was greatly felt — a successful weekend. 

4. General Meeting Minutes from the weekend will be sent to David and the board to be read and accepted (Charlie). 

5. Treasure’s Report: 
Income from weekend: 
auction $576.00 
registration $2670.00
Total $3246.00
Expenses from weekend: 
Postage $122.50 
Printing $287.89 
Food $600.00 
Coffee &pots $98.20 
Program $31.65 
Tanglewood $1540.00 
Insurance $200.00 
Total $2880.24 
Beginning balance $1639.08 
Income +$3246.00 
Expense -$2880.24 
End balance $2004.84 

6. Review of Jobs and Tasks for Fall Weekend– 
a. David will discuss with Joe ideas on how to get men’s attention and respect during announcements at the weekend. 
b. Facilitator’s role is described in the Manual and will be shared with Joe 

7. 501 C-3 update: The paperwork was signed by the President and Secretary and will be submitted to the state. Charlie was recognized by the board for playing a pivotal role in getting the paperwork ready for MCM to become a non-Profit with a 501 C3 status. Charlie will send the board a completed copy of the Articles of Incorporation along with the By-laws. 

8. The Board will add the following statement to the by-laws as well as future flyers: “We, the MCM board, welcome all self identified men with respect and good will to be part of Maine Coast Men” 

9. MCM Manual — Copies were passed out and men were encouraged to send David feedback. David’s goal is to have this ready for the Fall Weekend. If you were not present and would like a draft, contact David Hanc at 

10. David will contact Jim D and inform him he is no longer on the MCM board. Jim will be encouraged to attend the weekends and consider being on the board again in the future. 

11. Weekend Cancellation policy reviewed. We need a minimum of 10 men signed up one week before the weekend in order to hold the event. Money will be returned to the people who signed up in the event we need to cancel. (1/31/2017 -#6) 

12. Paul and Thomas will develop ideas to bring in younger and more men to the weekend. Thomas and Charlie will discuss ideas on how to do a phone tree or a way to communicate with men other than at the weekend (phone tree?). These items will be on the next agenda for the board to discuss. 

13. Auction — Future Plans — Discussion centered around how men can sell personal items on Craig’s list or e-bay and donate the money to MCM. This will be an agenda item for the next meeting. 
a. A suggestion was made that pictures of future items for the weekend auction be posted on our MCM website. This will be considered. 

14. Sculpture Race this summer. Maine Coast Men should consider this idea to advertise our existence. Ian had proposed this idea and is encouraged to follow up with the board if there is interest or people to pull this off. If it is too late for this summer then next summer should be considered. 

15. “Before I die, I would like to …” project: Hank L felt he would like to develop this idea in Camden and possibly Rockland. This idea came from the Ted Talks presentation at the weekend. David will contact Hank and offer MCM support. 

16. Variety Show in Belfast — The board will support this and present the idea at the General Meeting seeking volunteers to organize and run this event at the fall weekend. The money will go to the scholarship/General fund for MCM. 

17. MCM board was asked if we would consider sending out a complete mailing list to all men on the mailing list. The board decided that we would not send out this list. Currently we send out a weekend list to the participants of the weekend that they attended. If a man is looking for the address or information to locate a particular man they can contact the board and we will help make that connection. Brad suggested that if a man dies or is in need of support MCM should be able to send information out. MCM Board would need to receive permission from the family first before sending out information or requests for support using our e-mail list. The exception is if the news is already public such as an obituary in the newspaper. This will be brought up for discussion at the next general meeting in the fall. 

18. Charlie will check with MOFCA to see if space is still available for us to have a table. 

19. The Board agreed to spend $100 to buy a banner that MCM can use at events such as Common Ground Fair etc. Paul and Dan K will discuss design and colors. Charlie will coordinate this effort. 

20. Tomas encouraged the board to post items, sayings, info etc. to Facebook. 

21. A workshop on Death and Dying would be welcomed at the next MCM weekend. 

22. Next Meeting will be at Charlie’s house with Brad’s house as backup. June 22 6-8. David will e-mail the board to see how many men will attend to be sure we have a quorum. 

Minutes accepted at the board meeting on June 27, 2017