1. Check in
  2. Treasurer’s Report
  3. Results of survey attached Discussion followed: Synopsis of discussion was that no in-person meeting will be held until Covid is not a threat.
  4. MCM will be notified of the decision not to hold any in person event
  5. Mini Series will be on November 18 6:30-8:30
  6. Board will consider developing a newsletter
    Next meeting Oct 11, 2020

Poll Results:

POLL MCM: In-Person/Zoom September 10-13, 2021 [Mainebob] =====

From: Thomas Jamrog <thomasjamrog@me.com>
I am not sure about the “will” for the 2 hour Zoom but I won’t attend a live event as so see the landscape today. I am not able or willing to sit and Zoom for two whole hours.
— Tom Jamrog

From: Rick Alexander <mainelyra@gmail.com>
Hi Bob,
Thanks for continuing to keep MCM relevant. Ohhhh, how we need MCM now.
I will conditionally come to a face-to-face event. However, we don’t know what the state of the pandemic will be by then. It’s almost as rapidly changing as it was at the beginning of the pandemic.
The conditions are everybody is vaccinated and everybody is masked indoors. As a geezer, I am more vulnerable to getting infected. I also do not want to be a carrier of a breakthrough strain and make someone else sick. Barring a significant change, I want those who say they are vaccinated bring verifiable proof. I have found that is actually pretty easy for many just by taking a shared `picture of their vacc. card on their cellphone.
The penalty for getting COVID-19 is still death for too many people. I’m not willing to knowingly spend a weekend with the MCM guys, just hoping I’ll be OK. I want to know.
— Rick Alexander

From: Hmmmbus <hmmmbus@aol.com>
I doubt very much I will be attending any in person event… Thanks Bob

From: Christopher Hirsch <cahirsch@gmail.com> In person

From: Tom Beal <tombeal@gmail.com> In-Person

From: B A Wellman <bawellman56@dankirchoff
We both ( B A & Gregory Wellman) would attend an in person meet. I have an antique computer with no camera or microphone so Zoom won’t work for us.
Thanks for all the hard work you do to keep this group going.
— Love from B Ath

From: Frank Lehman <f.lehmanea@dankirchoff
Bob, I sure would like to come in person – and depending on Covid – most probably will if…
Is there gonna be a vaccine mandate? Or Masks??
I’m slowly healing from my last dance with Cancer. This one knocked the shit outta me. But I’m alive – and kickin”
— Frankie

From: Tom Levesque <freetomme@yahoo.com> Both

POLL MCM: In-Person/Zoom September 10-13, 2021

From: Will <mainesail113@yahoo.com> Hi Bob-
Sad to learn about the cancellation. As in my note to you the other day, I am not willing to attend unless all men are vaccinated-indoors or out. I saw no reference to vaccination-so I’m thinking that full vaccination is not being called for. I’d appreciate clarification.
— Best, Will Walton

From: Brad Purdy <bradfordpurdy@gmail.com> In person

From: Ham Niles <hamniles@gmail.com>
In person event for me please hold the virus

From: BILL TILDEN <billtilden22@hotmail.com> Hi Bob,
I’d vote for the in person 6 hr event.
— Bill

From: Peter McGlamery <pfmcglamery@mac.com>
I’m playing it safe and staying away from things right now. I’ve begun masking up in public again. Anyway, I’m down in Manhattan from the fourth of October, on to help my wife get her second corneal transplant.
Hopefully we’ll be able to gather in the springtime, so it’ll have to be a, “neither” from me.
Good luck with it. Stay safe.
— Peter McGlamery

From: Sandy Phoenix, Phil Elkin <kaselehl@dankirchoff
— Phil Elkin

From: John McIntire <circleleft@uninets.net>
Depending on the date, I would attend a day gathering, NOT zoom.
— John McIntire

From: Holbrook Williams <holbrookwilliams@dankirchoff
Monthly ZOOM meetings. YES ! NO to one day in-person event.
— Signed, Holbrook Willams

From: ivan stancioff <ivan.stancioff@dankirchoff
I am all for a 6 hour meeting with food by Brad the Best Baker By Far.
— Ivan

POLL MCM: In-Person/Zoom September 10-13, 2021