12/5/2018 Board Meeting

Date: December 5, 2018
In Attendance: Brad, Ian, Jonathan, Tomas, John S, David
Minutes Submitted by: David, assisted by John S

  1. Check In
  2. Review of Fall Weekend: Positive feedback on theme. – There are concerns about men coming prepared with presentations vs discussion topics to fill the slots at the last minute. (This will be brought up to the Program Committee for them to decide how they how or if they want to actively elicit presentations.) – The weekend program worked out fine even though 2 of the 3 PC members were unable to be present (Nice job Lew) We had about 30 people in attendance.
  3. Treasure’s report:
    1. Currently MCM has $5672.29 before expenses for the weekend are paid. An update of the finances will be presented at the next board meeting. $694 was made at the auction. Expenses are estimated to be about $2000 for Tanglewood. Registration fees need to be added.
    1. Authorization was given to Ian and Tomas to close the MCM account at Bangor Savings and open an account at the TD Bank.
    1. Ian has been authorized to transfer the funds from TD to Bangor Savings Bank by the board.
    1. Discussion was held on different ways to offer the incentives for the: “New Man’s Incentive”.  For the May weekend we will offer 3 weekend slots for the first 3 new men to sign up for the spring weekend. (This will be confirmed next meeting once we know what we have in the bank account) Scholarships are still available as in the past. MCM members will be asked for input at the next weekend.
  4. MCM Manual was shared and discussed. It needs to be posted on the MCM website. David will work with Tom Beal to update all the minutes and post the procedure manual so it can be used by men interested in knowing how we operate. Also, job descriptions need to be completed so men who volunteer know what their responsibilities are .  Information on 501c3 needs to be part of this manual.
  5. Steve Case has resigned from the board. The board appreciates his work and enthusiasm.
  6. Jeff K, a member at the weekend asked the board to discuss finding a different place to have the weekend to possible save money as well as the topic of philanthropy to groups of people or organizations.

Place to hold weekend:

  1. Tomas will check out the price at “Hidden Valley” which is close to him
    1. Blueberry Cove will probably be the same price as it is owned by the University. It may be more as we are grandfathered into the rules and prices offered Tanglewood due to our long-time association.
    1. Discussion was held as to the sacredness as well as comfort level we have developed over the years at Tanglewood. Every weekend men speak to the specialness of being at Tanglewood. Tanglewood has not raised their prices since we have been a long-time member and they do not require a deposit. Tanglewood has also said that if MCM needs to cancel a weekend no fee will be charged as they do for any other organization.

-The board has decided to continue having the weekends at Tanglewood but will be open to discuss other options to save money.


-At this time the board has decided that we will continue to use any money earned at the weekend to support the goals of MCM. Just a few years ago we were close to financial ruin and want to be sure that we have the funds for future weekend. Advertisement of some sort was suggested to use our funds to attract new members and keep the weekends going. MCM feels fortunate to having money in the bank to protect our interests.

Volunteerism as a way to give back to the community.

-MCM needs to be careful of offering out the services of its members to help out the community who are asking for volunteers. We have been asked in the recent past and 2 men showed up. It is very difficult to get men to commit to give time to these events. MCM is open to discussing this topic in the future and will continue efforts to get men to volunteer when asked.

  • Registrar — David will call John B to see if he would be interested in being the registrar for the May weekend. Maine Bob is the back-up person but will need to be asked if he is available as well. At the spring weekend we will put out a call for a member to take over this task. A person does not need to be on the board to be the Registrar. A job description needs to be developed for this position. (next Agenda)
  • Passwords and Mail-Chimp — David will contact Maine Bob and ask him to change the password. David volunteered to learn how to use mail chimp so we have more than one person on the board able to access this tool.
  • “A Time to Reach Out” … Can this be added to the theme of the weekend or be used in some way to get men thinking about reaching out to others? David will suggest this to the Program Committee.
  • Common Ground Fair — Tabled until next meeting to gather more input.
  • Evaluation Forms: MCM board decided not to send an evaluation sheet out about the past fall weekend. We need to decide “What do we want to know?”  For the spring weekend a “Suggestion Box” will be used to solicit feedback.  Blank sheets as well as a few questions could available for men to fill out.
  • Mini-Workshops: A new concept for men to try. In the confirmation letter it will be suggested that men prepare a 45 min mini presentation. This idea can also be floated in the e-mail blurbs encouraging men to sign up.
  • Other:
    • Bandanas. Ian will check out the price to have them printed at Liberty Graphics.
  • Next meeting:  Jan 9, 2019. Snow date Jan 16, 2019.  Place: John Sommo’s house

Minutes Approved on Jan 16, 2019 by the board

10/14/2018 Business Meeting

Date: 10/14/18
In Attendance: Men at the Oct MCM Weekend Retreat
Minutes Submitted by: David

  1. The MCM board members were recognized for their efforts. Special thanks to Carl Stoddard who has resigned from the board after many years of service. Charlie resigned as the registrar. We appreciate Charlie for all the work and energy he has given to MCM.
  2. The volunteers for this weekend were recognized and thanked for their efforts.
  3. Charles Gilford and Jonathan Purinton volunteered to join the board of MCM- Thank You.
  4. May 3,4,5, 2019 weekend Program Committee are Tom Beal, Hank Lunn, Phil Elkin.
  5. Volunteering was discussed; attached to these minutes is the list for the May 3, 4, 5, 2019 Retreat. Thank you, gentleman, it takes many people to develop and run these wonderful weekends.
  6. Treasury report: As of 9/5/18 MCM has $3,696.24 in the bank.
    1. Auction this weekend was a success. The members were asked for input about continuing the auction and it was felt that it is a positive fun way to support MCM and it should continue.
    1. New Man Initiative: Received very positive feedback but the board was asked to consider other ways to split the money such as a 50% discount. (Agenda item)
    1. Scholarships: Any man is eligible for scholarships. Please contact the treasurer (Ian) or the registrar. At this time, money should never be the reason a man chose not to attend.
  7. EIN Number needs to be written on the contribution forms if people are going to use this tax write off option. Our MCM number is: EIN 82-3008054
  8. The MCM Manual is a working document that is ready for use. It will be posted on the MCM website. This manual has procedures, ideas and decisions made by MCM since Oct 2014. Men should feel free to read it and offer suggestions to the board for improvements.
  9. Survey – The board will discuss if we should send out a fall survey to all the men or to the ones at the weekend for feedback.
  10. Next weekend retreat is May 3,4,5, 2019. A phrase that should be considered “A Time to Reach out” (Board Agenda Item)
  11. Website: Thanks go to Tom Beal for your continued efforts in keeping the site current. David will check the minutes that are posted and forward any that are not on the website at this time. The board should also update its contact list. (Board Agenda)
  12. Common Ground Fair – Thanks go to Charlie and Maine Bob for organizing the efforts to have our presence at the fair. Charlie asked that the board consider not doing the CGF in the future as he was not sure it is worth the effort. (Board Agenda)
  13. Evaluation Forms were suggested that they go out with the picture to gather feedback from the weekend. (Board Agenda)
  14. It was asked that we have a “Suggestion Box” at the weekend as a way to provide feedback to the board. (Board Agenda)
  15. The volunteer list takes a large portion of the General Meeting. The board is being asked to discuss other ways of doing this. (Board Agenda)
  16. Mini workshops  (Pop Workshops)  (Board Agenda)

MCM Jobs and Tasks:
May 3, 4 & 5 2019

Program Committee: Tom Beal, Hank Lunn, Phil Elkin
Weekend Facilitators: Phil, David (Board Member)
Fri Night Pot Luck: Tomas, David Hanc
Sat Breakfast: Tomas, Tom Jamrog
Sat Lunch: Jonathan Purinton, John McBee
Sat Dinner: Tom Beal, John Giovani Carbone
Sun Breakfast: Maine Bob O’Connor, Daniel Wendel
Variety Show: Hank Lunn, Holbrook Williams
Auctioneer: Phil Elkin Auctioneer Assistant/Recorder: Tom Beal (recorder)
Coffee Meister: Parker Waite, Tomas Levesque
Workshop Organizers: Charles G, John McBee            
Registrar: John Bangeman. Back Up: Maine Bob
Treasurers: Ian Collins, Tomas Levesque 
Post Master General; Maine Bob O’Conner
Food Master Chef: Brad Purdy, Vincent  Dufort       
Master of the Kitchen: Brad Purdy, Vincent  Dufort       
Dishwasher Meister: Lew McGregor, John Bangeman
Med Kit Supervisor: Joss Coggeshall  Back Up: Phil Elkin
Quilt Curator: Tomas Levesque
Tanglewood Liaison: Tom Jamrog    Back Up: David Hanc  
Brochure: Tom Beal, Vincent Dufort   
Brochure Proof Reader: MCM Board
MCM Artist: Dan Kirchoff
Fire keeper: Hartley Spencer, Holbrook Williams
Keeper of the MCM Bocce Balls: David Hanc
Bell Keeper: Charles Guilford, Holbrook Williams
MCM Drum Keeper: Charles Guilford
MCM Signs: John Bangeman
Photographer: Maine Bob O’Connor    Backup: David Hanc
Website Guru: Tom B.  
Website Managers: Tom Beal, Maine Bob O’Connor
Facebook Managers: Dan Kirchoff     Advisor Maine Bob (Board Agenda)
Keeper of the Mailing Lists: Maine Bob. (Board Agenda) – 2nd person
Common Ground Fair Coordinators: (Board Agenda) Maine Bob O.
2018 Set-up Thursday:
2018 Take Down Sunday:

Minutes accepted by the board on December 5, 2018

9/5/2018 Board Meeting

In Attendance: David, Bob, John B, Tomas, John S
Minutes Submitted by: David (assisted by John S)

1. Check in

2. Carl asked to resign from the board at this time. Carl was recognized as a valued member of the board and will be missed.

3. Minutes from June 27 were reviewed and accepted

4. Treasure’s Report: Current balance is 3,696.24
a. Request from Ian to change banks from TD bank to another bank that is more convenient. The request was granted with Ian and Tomas will discuss which bank would be best and make the change.
b. John B and David will get together and rent a bank safe deposit box for the important papers of MCM. The cost in minimal.

5. MCM Weekend
a. Jobs and Tasks:
b. Tomas volunteered to be Weekend Facilitator Back Up
c. Auctioneer will be determined at the weekend
d. Survey will be discussed at the weekend business meeting. Suggestion is that we develop a survey to be sent to all men after the Oct weekend retreat.
e. Bandana’s discussion is on hold until we see how much money is in the treasury after the weekend. We still need to find out the cost to have them printed with the MCM logo.
f. If young men come to the retreat, all board members will make it a point to help them feel welcomed.
g. Mentoring – Charlie will be reminded to set up mentors using the members of the board. He will send us the contact info. (David will contact him)
h. New Man’s Initiative – 3 will be given out for this retreat. The board understands that this will bring us below the $3500 amount we set as an amount to keep in the bank.
i. Tanglewood Liaison – David will fill in until a new man volunteers. Tom J is next on the list, David will contact him.

6. Common Ground Fair:
a. David will order an additional banner indicating that we are “Building a Community of Men”.
b. Bob and Charlie will set up the table and banners. They will also coordinate the volunteer times. A mail chimp blurb will be sent out asking for more volunteers.
c. Discussion about the materials that we have at the table. The poem was discussed and will again be used along with posters, brochures and business cards.

7. The MCM manual is now complete. This manual will be posted on our website to assist anyone to put a weekend retreat on as well as all decisions that have been made by the board since October 2014. This is a working document with many more things to be added. Each Board member will receive a hard copy.

8. For Future meetings – Tabled items form past meetings are: Web site managers, website guru, Facebook Managers roles need to be clarified. Keeper of the Mailing Lists as well as Post Master General roles also need to be defined. Creating a Communications Director, what would be the responsibilities?

9. Other:
a. John will try to write something up for a public service announcement as to what we do.
b. Dan Kirchoff will be notified to get the info to the radio and newspapers contacts about the weekend retreat.

Minutes accepted Dec. 5, 2018

6/27/2018 Board Meeting

In Attendance: Bob, Carl, John B, John S, David
Place: David’s House in Jefferson
Minutes Submitted by: David, assisted by John S

1. Check in

2. Review and accept minutes from 5/18/2018
a. Carl will check with Tanglewood if the Epipen located in the kitchen can be used by MCM in the event that it is needed. Would MCM be responsible for replacing it or is it part of our fee for renting Tanglewood. The Defibrillator also needs to be checked for any updates.

3. Treasure’s Report: Current balance is 3,696.24
a. Reserve of $3500 has been met
b. New Man’s Initiative – It was decided that MCM would again sponsor 3 new men at the Fall weekend. A member donated $100 to support a new man attending.
c. John suggested that we work on a plan to slowly separate the reserve account from the monies used to put on a weekend. Further discussion is need on this idea.

4. Website Updates: David will contact Tom B to discuss putting up the dates of the next weekend as well as getting information to him in the future. Tom would prefer having one person e-mailing him information to post. David will do this at this time. The board will need to discuss a “Communications Director”.

5. 2018 Weekend Oct 12, 13, 14, 2018
a. Theme: Carl, Lew and Ian are discussing theme around, trauma, loss, celebration, etc.
b. The Program Committee is responsible to contact Dan ASAP and discuss the theme so he can do the artwork.
c. The write up for the weekend will be sent to David and then on to Tom for posting on the web.
d. Blurbs for the mail chimp emails should go out in July, August and September. A strong emphasis will be placed on encouraging men to develop a workshop as well as bringing a friend. The Program Committee is responsible for these blurbs.
e. Mailing date for the brochure is August 31 or right after Labor Day on Sept 4.
f. Stamp and Fold Party: Lew felt he could call on a few men in his area to stuff the envelops and get them in the mail.
g. Address labels: Bob will print labels and get them to Lew in August.
h. Tom B will continue doing the brochure. He will need all info by August 12. David will work with the Program Committee to help facilitate this.
i. Charlie, registrar, will need to be filled in on any information about the weekend he may need. John B will do this for the group.

6. Common Ground Fair: Bob will organize the times that men will need to be at the table. If we need more men, a request should be sent out using the mail chimp or by making personal contacts by phone.

7. Secretary Position: Lew agreed to temporarily take this position on. Currently we do not have a job description however Charlie stated that the by-laws has this information. By laws may need to be updated.

8. How to bring in new men to the weekend? A survey was suggested for the men at the next weekend to solicit new ideas and get everyone involved. This will be further discussed at the next board meeting.

9. 501 c3. John is the agent for MCM. He has the incorporated certificate. John suggested we spend $25 a year and get a safe deposit box for our important papers. The board agreed. John and the current president, David will get together to make this happen. These men will have the keys to the box and the keys will be passed on at appropriate times.
a. EIM number: John will ask Charlie for the form that he created. Bob has the software to open it and put our EIM number on it so we can use this at the next weekend. This is important so when people donate that can receive a slip to claim the donation on their taxes.

10. Tabled items form past meetings: Web site managers, website guru, Facebook Managers roles need to be clarified. Keeper of the Mailing Lists as well as Post Master General roles also need to be defined. Creating a Communications Director, what would be the responsibilities?

11. David passed out the current MCM Manual, He will continue working on updating it.

Next meeting is September 5, 2018 at John B house in Union from 6-8.

Minutes accepted by board on September 5, 2018

5/16/2018 Board Meeting

Date: May 16, 2018
Place: Steve Case’s House
In Attendance: Carl, Brad, Bob O, Giovani, John B, Steve, Robert, John, David
Minutes Submitted by: David

1. Check in

2. Welcome Robert and John to the MCM Board

3. Review of past weekend was positive. Things that made the weekend work well: having workshops volunteers before weekend, posting workshops on web, posting a timetable for weekend events (workshops, meals, events etc.) Acknowledging the men who have past at the beginning of circle, taking time to speak about these men before the break helped the group process, volunteers for duties went smooth, high energy at weekend.
Future weekends
a. Program Committee to decide how to get workshops
b. Post event times on Friday Night
c. Consider having a time to remember men before break will be up to Program Committee

4. Treasure’s report: MCM Spring ’18 summary:
Income $2,42.00 auction
$3,070.00 registration
Expenses ($2,577.09)
Net Income $630.75
Current Balance $3,694.24

5. Minutes from General Meeting on May 4, 2018 were accepted with minor changes

6. Mugs T shirts, Bandanas: The upfront costs along with the minimum orders make mugs and T-shirts items prohibited at this time. Robert will check with Liberty Graphics as to costs of a bandana with logo.

7. Acknowledgement of presenters of the workshops will continue at the weekend. The Board felt that it was unnecessary to send out further thanks after the weekend.

8. Accomplishments to date: MCM is financially sound with $3500 in reserve/working account. MCM Website has been re-built and is active. MCM has 501c3 status. New Men’s Initiative is in place, Auctions raise money and are fun. MCM is able to give tax slip to people who donate. Presence at Common Ground Fair. Business cards are being posted on Bulletin Boards. MCM Manual nearly complete, By-laws have been rewritten. Average attendance for weekends is over 30. Board is healthy and strong.

9. Secretary Position: Lew will talk with Charlie for details and will consider taking on this role.

10. Medical Kit Update:
a. Board has authorized Joss to go through the kit and update it, add a tick remover to kit. Costs will be covered.
b. Carl will check with Tanglewood and ask if the “Epipens” located in the kitchen can be used by MCM. If used do we need to use one do we replace it or is this part of our rental fee.

11. Directions for the future:
a. How to change what we feel is the present image of “A group of secretive old men meeting in the woods”. We need to think of ways to inform and attract younger men 20-45 into this group. We need to figure out a way to use social media to help in this effort. Subject to be further discussed at next board meeting.
b. MCM Weekends will now be referred to as “MCM Weekend Retreat”. Most people can identify and understand the word “retreat” which will help explain what we do. The Website will need to reflect this new title.

12. 501c3 –
a. Who will keep tabs on these forms? John B and Ian? (this needs to be checked)
b. Non-Profit Status — Yearly Fillings
c. Our tax benefit form need to have EIM Number added. (Who was contacting Charlie to get form and do this?)
d. Info on file is in PDF Format. Bob has the technology to change the format so it can be updated
e. Donations and Sponsors need the new form with the EIM number. Once we have this edited form an e-mail message will be sent out to the May, 2018 participants letting them know it is available upon request.

13. Pictures and Book for archiving men who have attended weekends: Names will still be added to the pictures but will not be published publically. The pictures with names can be used in the book that Giavanni is working on. This can be brought to the men’s Weekend Retreats. If falls under the current confidentiality rules of MCM.

14. E-mail Procedure. MCM will use Blind Copy for e-mails going out to the General MCM Community. The list containing the weekends participants contact information will go out only to the people at that weekend. Any man at the weekend can ask that his info be removed. Bob O and Charlie the updated, entire MCM list of names.

15. TABLED TO NEXT MEETING: Web site managers, website guru, Facebook Managers roles need to be clarified. Keeper of the Mailing Lists as well as Post Master General roles also need to be defined.

16. TABLED TO NEXT MEETING: Communications Director

17. Board Meeting Food: The host will decide if it is a pot luck or if they are providing the food. The host can also provide a main meal and ask for people to bring items. This information will be e-mailed to the board in advance.

Next Board meeting at David’s house in Jefferson. Wednesday, June 27, 6-8

Minutes accepted June 27, 2018

5/6/2018 Business Meeting

Date: May 6, 2018
In Attendance: Men from the May 4, 5, 6 weekend
Minutes Submitted by: David, assisted by John Sommo

1. Board members were recognized for their hard work these past years. Charlie and Paul were thanked for their service as they leave the board. Charlie will continue to be the registrar. Charlie was further recognized for his energy, hard work and extra time he has given to MCM.

2. John Summo and Robert Davis were voted in as new board members. John B and Bob O decided to stay on the board at this time.

3. Next election will be at the May weekend in 2019.
• Current Board terms until May 2019: Tomas, Lew, Carl, David, Ian, Brad
• May 2020: Steve A, Steve C, John S, Robert D, John Giovanni, John B, Bob O
• The board is attempting to develop a rotation of members on the board. At the present time, any board member can request to leave the board at any time. Board members with their experience will be encouraged to stay for more than one “two year” term. Past board members are always welcomed to rejoin the board. There is no limit as how many terms can be served.
• MCM have a 13 board member limit which is currently at its capacity.

4. Treasurer’s report: $3870.49 before the weekend. Currently $3125 . The next report at the board meeting on May 16 will include auction ($242), fees collected from 34 men attending, expenses, donations.
a. Use of funds was discussed. The “New Man’s Initiative” was explained and unanimously approved. Any amount of money over the $3500 operating and back-up fund account will be used to waive the fee for a new man attending the weekend. Ex. If we have $300 over, the first 3 new men get their fee waived. Scholarships, which are different, are still available upon request.
b. Liability Insurance went up from $400 to $406 yearly
c. Auction was voted on to be continued for next weekend

5. Quilts: Tomas is the quilt curator. Any man can request a quilt by calling Tomas. The quilts are used for all types of events from weddings, sickness, death and even to bring in positive energy to sell a house.

6. The results of the mugs and T-shirt sample voting was discussed. This will now go to the board for a decision. Bandanas were suggested as something the board may consider.

7. Attached to these minutes are the names of the volunteers for the October 12, 13, 14, 2018 weekend.

8. A Drum was donated to MCM that can be borrowed by contacting Charles G, our new Drum curator. This drum has special meaning as it belonged to a past member Buddy, given to Hank Lunn and now to the MCM community members,.

9. Emails to MCM members will be kept to Maine Coast Men business only. No solicitations for outside interests will be considered. Men in need of support for illness or death can request information sent out with permission granted by the family. A procedure will be developed at the next board meeting. In the meantime, feel free to contact David or any board member with your request.

10. Men are asked to post MCM business cards to all bulletin boards at places like restaurants, stores, community buildings etc. This is an attempt to advertise our existence. More business cards are available by contacting David Hanc.

11. MCM is asking men to bring in pictures of past weekends with a list of who these men are, if possible, to archive our past. A booklet of some type will be set up to record memories of the men who have died. John Giovanni agreed to lead this effort.

MCM Jobs and Tasks: October 12, 13, 14, 2018
Program Committee: Carl, Ian, Lew
Weekend Facilitator: John B ___________ (Board Member)
Fri Night Pot Luck: Tom Beal, David Hanc
Sat Breakfast: Tomas, Daniel
Sat Lunch: David, Andrew
Sat Dinner: John Giovanni, Andrew
Sun Breakfast: Charlie, Maine Bob, Daniel
Variety Show: Hank, Vincent as back up
Auctioneer Open_______________________
Auctioneer Assistant/Recorder: Tom Beal
Coffee Meister: Parker, Back up Carl
Workshop Organizers: Charles G, Back Up Tom Beal
Registrar: Charlie C, Back Up Maine Bob
Treasurers: Ian, Tomas
Post Master General: Maine Bob O _____
Food Master Chef: Brad, Vincent
Master of the Kitchen: Brad, Vincent
Dishwasher Meister: Alan, Lew
Med Kit Supervisor: Joss Back Up: Alan
Quilt Curator: Thomas
Tanglewood Liaison: Carl, Back Up Tom Jamrog
Brochure: Tom B , Vincent
Brochure Proof Reader: Rick A. /Mike A
Fire keeper: Holbrook
Keeper of the MCM Bocce Balls: David
Bell Keeper: Charles G, Holbrook
MCM Signs: Charlie, Steve A
Photographer: Maine Bob O, Backup; David
Website Guru: Tom B.
Website Managers: Needs to be defined
Facebook Managers: Charlie Dan Advisor Maine Bob
Keeper of the Mailing Lists: Charlie C and Maine Bob
Common Ground Fair Coordinators: Charlie, Maine Bob O.
2018 Set-up Thursday: Bob, Charlie
2018 Take Down Sunday: Bob
Volunteers for table: Andrew, Robert D, David, Ian, Lew, Brad, Steve, Carl,

Minutes accepted by Board on May 18, 2018

4/10/2018 Board Meeting

Date: April 10, 2018 
Place: Giovanni’s (John) 
In Attendance: Charlie, Giovanni (John), Steve C, Brad, Maine Bob, John B., David 
Minutes Submitted by: David 

1. Check In 

2. Acknowledged and talked about the men who have died in this past year: John Bly, Bob Lumbert, Joe Rehmeyer, Les Hyde (Kevin Meunier -we were notified about him on April 27 after this meeting) 
a. Opening circle — Program Committee (PC) will announce the men who have recently died and hold a minute of silence. The mentioning of the names of all men who have passed will be just before the break during the opening circle. 
b. A workshop called “Processing Death” will have time dedicated to talk about these men. 
c. E-mails: when men die a notice will be sent out to the MCM members via e-mail once we have been given permission by the family to send it out or once the information has been made public. 
d. The use of the MCM e-mail list for other reasons such as “GoFundMe” requests or other solicitations is prohibited. MCM e-mail is to be used to promote this group and to support the MCM mission statement. 

3. Treasure’s Report — There is $3876.49 in the bank account 
a. $3,500 is our reserve account. This money is used to cover costs such as insurance, supplies and scholarships for the weekend as well as be a back up amount for leaner times. For the upcoming weekend the money over this amount will be used as a “new man initiative”. The first 3 men to sign up who have never been to a MCM weekend will have their fees waived. Using this money in this way promotes our goal of increasing membership as well as supporting our mission. The board will assess how this was received and consider this initiative for future weekends. 
b. Cups and T-shirts. The membership will get a chance to see examples of the cups this coming weekend and decide if MCM should invest in them as gifts or as something people could purchase in the future. We will try to have t-shirt prices available. 
c. General Meeting Suggestions: 
i. Solicit men to sign up for meals after each meal during the weekend. 
ii. Announce board openings or job opportunities on Saturday 
iii. If suggestions are made from the floor, it may be appropriate
to announce that the board will discuss the item and bring
information back to the next weekend. 

4. Minutes from Jan 16, 2018 board meeting were reviewed and accepted 

5. Who is leaving the board? Charlie will be leaving the board but is willing continue the role as registrar. Charlie, our registrar, will work with the treasurer in regards to who and how much money is being used for scholarships. 

6. Status for 501(C)3. 
a. A write up is needed for the records to explain what this 501(C)3. means for MCM. Charlie suggested that we wait until we hear form the IRS after the 1023 EZ form has been submitted and accepted. 
b. Charlie will submit the 1023 EZ form 
c. Charlie will develop a letter so the men donating auction items can fill it out to use the gift as a tax write off. 

7. Quilts. Thomas is the current quilt curator. He will be asked to bring them to the weekend if they are not in use. 

8. Common Ground Fair: The MCM application is in. Charlie and Maine Bob will set up on Thursday. Men will be encouraged at the weekend to sign up for slots during the fair to be at our table providing information. 

9. May 2018 MCM weekend 
a. Young man activities: Tomas will organize Bocci game, Brad will include them in the kitchen, boys will be encourage to look at the workshops and join in if interested. 
b. Task List: David will update 
c. Mentors will be assigned by the registrar for any new men. The mentors are board members and the new men will be assigned someone they do not know. 
d. Agenda for Business meeting. A large paper will be posted so men can list items before the meeting on Sunday. (David) 

10. Next meeting will be the General membership meeting on May 6, 2018 

Next MCM Board Meeting will be May 16, 2018 from 6-8 at Steve Case House. 

Board Approved by e-mail on May 2, 2018 

1/16/2018 Board Meeting

Date: Jan 16, 2018
Place: David’s House in Jefferson
In Attendance: Charlie, Lew, Steve C. Steve A. Giovani (John), David, Carl, John B.
Minutes submitted by: David assisted by Charlie notes

1. Check in
a. (Correction: the date on the agenda should read Jan 16, 2018)

2. Review of Minutes from Oct 23, 2017 — accepted with revisions

3. Treasure’s Report: Currently we have $3,876.49
a. The amount in the reserve account was increased to $3,500. Discussion on how to spend monies beyond reserve account was tabled.
b. Weekend deposits can be made by Treasurer or designee of Treasurer.
c. The Treasurer needs to be on the MCM Board of Directors.

4. Remembering those who have died —
a. Memorial scholarships will not be used as a way to honor a man who has died. Time will be put aside to talk about men who have passed at the weekend. Possibly a workshop or a time around the outside fire pit. Giovanni and David will discuss this and prepare a process to be tried at the next weekend.
b. Ian purchased 6 statues that look like Joe to be auctioned off. Ian asked if this money could then be donated to the family. At this time, MCM does not solicit funds from MCM members for other organizations or individuals.
c. Tomas will get the quilt from Barb R. Giovanni will check in with Tomas and offer to pick them up .

5. Tanglewood Liaison — Carl
a. Carl received an e-mail from Patti and will forward this information to the members of the board.
b. Carl will work on identifying the areas where a workshop can be held. He will note the size of the room and if it has heat and/or electricity.

6. MCM Weekend May 4, 5, 6 2018
a. Program Committee: Vincent and David – Topic: Passion
b. Creating Workshops: V and D will recruit members for workshops so information can be put on website as well as on brochure.
c. Fold and Stamp Party on March 20 at Steve Case’s house
d. Brochures get sent out March 26. A note needs to explain to people the importance to sign up early to help make plans for food, supplies, etc.
e. Info for Brochures is due late February. Charlie will help train people developing the brochure.
f. E-mail/Blurbs reminding people of the weekend. Program committee will write these up and send to Charlie to be posted
g. Auction monies will go into the General Fund. A financial assistant will be needed to work with Auctioneer (Charlie) to keep track of the money and who bought what.
h. MCM will be developing a form so men can claim their donations for tax purposes.

7. Use of Electronics at the MCM Weekend.
a. Personal use of electronics will be discouraged in the main lodge and any area that men are gathering or talking.
b. MCM Photographer, Maine Bob, is the only person who is allowed to take pictures of any kind at the weekend.
c. Electronics can be used in a workshop if needed. Presenter will be responsible for any equipment used.
d. Electronics can be used in a presentation but not used as the presentation.

8. Mentor Program: The registrar will contact board members to mentor new members. The registrar will attempt to assign the mentor early enough so the new man can be contacted by the mentor to welcome him.

9. Setting the tone of the Opening Circle and Weekend. Refer to the past minutes (10/18/15 #21) on writing a blurb for men to read when registering. Men who have passed will be asked to join us in spirit at the beginning of the circle. Program Committee will set the tone.

10. Variety Show — When the Variety Show is announced at the weekend, it will be mentioned that men showcase their act in a reasonable amount of time so all acts can be enjoyed without going late into the night. The MC will work to keep the acts moving along.

11. Decreasing MCM Board e-mails was discussed at the last board meeting.

12. Use of Electronics (See item #7)

13. Other:
a. “Hook Topics” or workshops will be posted on Facebook and/or Website — Program Committee will get these to Charlie to post.
b. Inviting specific groups to weekend. Specific groups will not be targeted but rather a general invite to all self-identified men will be used as in the past.
c. T-shirts — Giovani will contact Dan K about artwork. We have a logo but need a copy that will be used to print. David will find out the price of shirts and mugs for the next meeting.
d. Common Ground Fair — When do we need to sign up by? Charlie is the coordinator and will contact Maine Bob.
e. Lew discussed his ability to be present at the Board meetings. Lew was encouraged to stay with the board and support when he can. The Board realizes that it can be difficult to travel to meetings especially in the winter.

14. Next Meeting Date: March 20, 2018 from 5-8* at Steve Case’s House in Rockport
*note that the board meeting will be held first and then the stamp and
Fold fun will begin. (Note this meeting was cancelled, Stamp and fold
was completed by several board members)

(the meeting for March 20 was cancelled)

Minutes approved April 10, 2018

10/23/2017 Board Meeting

Date: October 23, 2017 
In Attendance: Steve C, Steve A, Giovanni (John), Bob, Carl, Brad, David, John, Charlie. 
Guest: Robert Davis 
Minutes Submitted by: Charlie 

1. Meeting at Brad’s house in Thomaston started at 6:25 with check in. 

2. Welcomed new board members Steve Case, Giovanni Carbone, Steve Assante and guest Robert Davis. 

3. Impressions of the weekend: low level of volunteering was a concern, lack of relating to the WabiSabi topic was disappointing but the authenticity of communication was appreciated (no filler/small talk). The closing circle needs to be held sacred as well (no crosstalk/ questions/ joking). Perhaps we need to set the expectations better at the opening circle. 

Homework for all of us: how do we set the tone of the opening circle? Start with silence, build the container, etc. Program Committee needs to plan for this with our input. 
Also some concern that the variety show went on too long. Set the expectation of the men and the emcee that 4-5 minutes are enough. Announce when recruiting for the talent show. 
Also concern that no workshops were planned in advance – created on arrival. Couldn’t we do better if we planned earlier? 

4. Treasure’s report: Income from the fall weekend (attendance & auction) $3,781.00 weekend expenses (includes banner and stand*) -$2,842.39 surplus from weekend $ 938.61* — used at Common Ground Fair and will be used in the future. 
Brad given $2,915 to deposit. Ian was sick and called in, Tomas was absent. 

5. Mentors seem to have been dropped out this time. 

6. Accepted minutes from the Weekend. 
a. Title changes / Missing Job titles — David will go back to the original list and bring it up to date for the May meeting 
b. Added backups to a few 
Request to get minutes out a week in advance and bring ten copies. 

7. Picture and address list were sent out in record time. Kudos to photographer and registrar. Registrar reported 10 men signed up right away, 25 phoned it in, 10 showed up with no notice. Makes planning tougher! 
The policy we adopted on 10/17/2015 states that men need to be 14 years of age to attend. Young children have been brought to the weekend and this cause some discomfort for some men. Children are wonderful however will it change what a man my say out of respect for the child and his parents. This past weekend due to Joe’s health a child was brought. It was addressed at that time. A statement needs to be included in our confirmation letter that we ask men top respect the no children rule. 
The image of MCM is that we are a men’s group. 

8. Auction: POLICY no split donations in the future (ala Kaley and Nepal). Hartley Spencer donated the generator to be an “at large” item with Carl in charge. 

9. Proposal to streamline the business meeting at the weekend that we get sign-ups for each meal at each meal by carrying the task list around and recruiting. 

10. A proposal to name the scholarships after Joe Rehmeyer was discussed and postponed. 

11. Added a job to the task list for Common Ground Fair coordinator with Charlie C. as the next one. Carl can set-up the booth on Friday morning and Bob can take it down and out on Sunday. 

12. Reminder that the large meeting room is a non-workshop space. Carl to check on which big buildings up by Ledges have power and could be used for bigger workshops that need space. 

13. Review of electronics at the weekend policy to allow them for presentations was tabled for the future. 

14. Charlie passed on Gerry Murphy’s request to use e-mail list and was to remind him that the list is for MCM business only. 

15. Decrease e-mails (old business) among the board. Emails using MCM Board list should be limited. If a board member sends out an e-mail asking for an opinion hit “Reply to sender” rather that “Reply to all”. Unless necessary e-mail will not be used for discussions as this can produce many e-mail threads. 

16. The suggestion at the end of the General Meeting minutes that the Treasurer did not need to be on the executive committee was clarified and withdrawn. 

17. Program for next weekend will be about Bringing your Passion. 

18. Topics we didn’t get to “Other from Minutes”: 
a. Suggestion to encourage men to post Hook Topics on Facebook 
b. Inviting specific groups on Saturday: gay, Bi, transgender day for Father and sons 14+ 
c. T-shirts again 

Next meeting Tuesday, January 16, 2018 6-8 PM at David Hanc’s in Jefferson. 

IAN’s Year End Treasurer report: 
We began the year with a balance of $2,657.47 
Year end balance $3,876.49 
Increased our bank account by $1,219.02 YEAH !!!! 

Accepted by the board 1/16/18 

10/15/2017 Business Meeting

October 15, 2017

• There were about 35 men at the weekend. Joe & Ben Rehmeyer attending the closing circle. 

• The membership acknowledged Alan Pooley for his years of service on the board. 

• Request to get Greg Kimura’s poem, Before The Men’s Retreat, on the website. 

• David made a plea for volunteers when we make a request for help by email, as we did for Tanglewood’s Blueberry Run and the Common Ground Fair. 

• Treasurer reported we had $2715.70 before the weekend and that we took in $775 from the auction (total would later go to over $1000 before donating $78 something to Nepal). 

• Ancient History: a box of treasurer’s records from Richard Chalmers was opened and group photo and mailing list from 2008 was posted. Charlie C. noted that the balance in the treasury, what we paid to Tanglewood for rent, and insurance were all basically the same as today. 

• David informed the members that the Main Hall would not be used for workshops in the future so that it would always be available for conversation. 

• Carl S. plugged the outreach effort at the Common Ground Fair and said he got a lot out of meeting new men and women and talking about who we are and what we do. 

• Bob Poole reminded us of the last event he went to about 15 years earlier, Father-Son Connect. Carl S. urged us to make the effort to reach out to younger men. 

• Hank L. noted that he has been running a successful “Connections” program for years that touches men, women and kids. He noted that grades 3-5 are a tremendously important time to start making those connections. 

• Jeff K. suggested “hook” topics on the website or FaceBook like “Growing up Male in America.” 

• Holbrook suggested we make it clear on the website what kinds of visits are allowed during the weekend. He also suggested we could have a day (presumably Saturday) specifically inviting Gay, Bi-, Transgender men to join us, or a day for Fathers with sons 14 and up. 

• Steve C. asked why not do tee-shirts again? 

• David noted there were three vacancies on the board and Giovanni Carbone, Steven Assante and Steve Case stepped up to fill them, presumably for a two year term ending May 2019. 

• Theme for Spring 2018 – Vincent & David: “Passion: how do you identify your life’s passion?” 

• David encouraged us to start enrolling new men for the spring weekend now while we’re excited. 

Workshops — Charlie C. noted that the workshops seemed to be created at the weekend without much attachment to the theme and asked how could we make it different. Suggested were to highlight the request to create a workshop in the confirmation letter, to add a checkbox to the registration for “I want to give a workshop,” put the workshops on the website. Tom J. noted two weekends he had attended: experiential stuff in Vermont instead of just talking about stuff, and a Minnesota weekend of “how to” workshops. Workshops might require coordination with attendees beforehand like with instructions to bring a locking knife. Have at least one workshop on the theme. Allow “Pop Up” workshops of only 20 minutes. Up the discretionary amount a workshop leader can spend to $50 before asking the board. 

• A suggestion was made during the Jobs & Tasks portion of the meeting that we could take the treasurer off of the executive committee (by amending the Articles of Incorporation / By Laws). 

Jobs & Tasks for Spring 2018 
Facilitator — Tom B., backup John B. 
Friday dinner — John Bly 
Saturday breakfast — Tomas, Daniel 
Saturday lunch — Tom B. & Steve Assante 
Saturday dinner — Giovanni, Tom J., John B. 
Sunday breakfast — Steve C., Daniel 
Sunday lunch — Vincent 
Variety show host — Mike Arruda 
Auctioneer — Charlie 
Coffee meister — Carl and Earl Small 
Workshop organizer — Charles G.
(discussion ensued about workshops (see above) 
Registrar — Charlie C. 
Mailing List — Bob O? is this the same job as Postmaster General? 
Food Master Chef — Brad 
Dishwasher — Alan 
First Aid Kit — Daniel 
Quilt Curator — Tomas 
Tanglewood Liaison — Carl S., Tom J. 
Brochure — Tom B., backup Charlie C. 
Proofreader — Rick A. and Mike A. 
Fire — Holbrook 
Bocce Balls — David H. 
Bell — Charles G. and Holbrook 
Signs — Steve A. (Charlie has them) 
Photographer — Bob O. 
Website guru — Tom B. (transfer domain registration to MCM, INC.) 
Webmaster — Mike A.
(Vincent is currently hosting, will be changing services) 
FaceBook — Ham and Dan
(talk to Mike about how to make it an open group) 
Common Ground Fair coordinator — Charlie C. , Carl Friday setup,
Bob Sunday takedown 

Meeting ended at about 9:35. 
Notes and Minutes by Charlie Crane, secretary 
Minutes accepted October 23, 2017