4/22/2020 Board Meeting

Via Zoom — In Attendance: Maine Bob, Tomas, Charles, Ian, David, Brad
Minutes Submitted by: David

  1. Check in
  2. Current Balance is $5442.24. 
    a. Dan K is asking that we look for a check that he made out for the Oct 2019 retreat and get back to him.
  3. Minutes from 3/25/20 were accepted by the board
  4. Variety show…email will go out to all MCM members, people need to respond to let us know if they want to perform or be the audience. In the message confidentiality will be discussed realizing that we have little control of this. A second e-mail will go out to invite the men who responded.   MCM needs to accept that other people may hear and see the acts.  Variety show will be May 2 from 6:30- 7 for chatting. Show begins at 7 until it’s over. If time allows people can stay and chat. Bob will tape the show so we can discuss at the next meeting if they want to make it open on the website.
  5. Reaching Out
    a. At this time we are using our website and mail chimp to contact men.
    b. Ian spoke about reaching out to men who are lonely and need help. It would be difficult to identify men who need help. We can send out a message that men should consider contacting men to check in with them.
    c. We will not resend out lists however men can contact David, Maine Bob or Tomas and we will try to help men with contact information.
  6. Website
    a. Draft went out to the board for feedback. Please send feedback to Dan Kirchoff
    b. A blog will be included on the new website
    c. John McBee wrote a note that was shared with the board and would be a great example of what can put on the blog.
    d. The board needs to OK the final website
    e. No date is scheduled for release. David will check with Dan for any updates.
  7. Tree Project
    a. John Bangeman suggested we plant a tree or a forest of trees to honor men who has passed.
    b. We would need to work with Tanglewood to see if they would be interested and if they would be willing to provide us a space for this project.
    c. Tomas suggested that we graft a variety of apples on to an existing tree. A different variety for each man who has passed or a graft each year for the men who have passed.
    d. The tree does not need to be at Tanglewood. Tomas offered a tree on his property.
    e. First step will be to contact Pattie at Tanglewood to see if they like the idea. Plan to start in Spring 2021 if approved.
  8. Mainly Men Workshop will be held May 16 on Zoom. We are all welcomed to join by checking out their website and signing in.
    a. Should we be developing small workshops to put on our website?
    b. Concern was voiced that we are getting away from personal contact. We need to stay connected in the times that we are dealing with.
    c. MCM should consider putting the idea out there to all men asking if they would do 15 -30 video for this effort. They would send their video to the MCM board to vet and then we would put it on website if appropriate.
    d. The board did not decide who would organize this effort. Discuss next board meeting.
  9. Using the money we generate at MCM weekends:
    a. Brainstorm ideas
    i. Donating money to foodbanks
    ii. Discount Oct meeting
    b. How much had we decided to have in the rainy-day account and how many men would need to sign up to hold a weekend. This info was not readily available and was requested. David research and report next board meeting.
    c. No decisions should be made about money until the Covid 19 situation plays out and we see where we are. Tanglewood may or may not be an option depending on what happens. The decision with the money in the treasury is to be very conservative and guard what we have.
    d. Large donations- Discussion to start thinking about what we would do if a large donation came our way and how would we use this resource. It is better to discuss this before it happens rather than at that time.
    e. One idea is not to accept any large donation and refine who we are. Is MCM  a group that just puts on a weekend twice a year or are we a group that will solicit funds and work toward being a philanthropic organization. Discussion to continue.
  10. Next meeting; May 28, 2020.  6:30-8:30

Minutes accepted by the board during the Zoom meeting on May 28, 2020

3/25/2020 Board Meeting

Via Zoom — In Attendance: Bob, David, Joss, Thomas, John S, Charles, Ian
Minutes Submitted by: David Hanc with assistance from John S

  1. Check in
  2. Zoom – Thanks goes out to Maine Bob for setting up this meeting and helping us learn about this valuable tool. The best teacher is experience once you start using it.
  3. Treasure’s Report: Currently we have $5,554 in the bank. Tanglewood did not require any loss of a down payment since we cancelled. It is felt that Tanglewood is most likely closed at this time anyway.
  4. Reviewed Minutes from 1/08/20. Using the Zoom platform, we went over the minutes and found it helpful if explanations were needed. We plan on using this format in the future. (Thanks again Bob). The minutes were accepted by the board.
    a. John and/or John S will write up a description for the manual of our 501c3 status and explaining what it does for the board. Timelines for yearly submission will also be included. Thanks men…
  5. We reviewed the decision on the e-mail vote of March 15 to cancel the May Retreat. We agreed to amend the timeline of cancelling a Weekend Retreat if necessary to one week before the event to give people who signed up time to make other plans. In an emergency we can cancel last minute if we absolutely must.
    a. The board also reviewed the vote to accept the resignation of Ian Collins as Treasurer and Tomas Levesque as Co-Treasurer.  John Bangeman was voted in to be the new treasurer and Jonathan Coggeshall voted in to be Co-Treasurer. The vote 10-1 in favor.  Once we discussed a slight wording change the vote was unanimous.
    b. David will write a letter from the board so John and Joss can go to the bank and formalize the change in Treasures. Thanks go to Ian for working with the bank and providing the form that they require.
  6. The Board would like to thank John Carbone (Giovanni) for his time and service to the MCM Board. John decided to resign at this time.
  7. Brainstormed ideas for helping MCM brotherhood/membership stay in contact.
    i. Using Zoom to do a virtual weekend, an opening circle, workshops, a variety show etc.
    ii. Organizing small out door hikes. To help keep social distancing, Charles suggested we use a 2-meter hiking stick to help aid us.
    iii. Encouraging men to contact each other via phone, e-mail or social media where appropriate.
    a. Maine Bob will write up a short description on how to set up Zoom.
    We need to be thoughtful in setting up any type of circle, workshop and even the variety show over the internet. Keep it simple if possible.   The board decided to go slow with this idea to assure that Confidentiality is kept and respected. This will be discussed at out next board meeting before we set up any time of Zoom contact.
    i. The Mail Chimp note will include the contact names of Bob, Tomas and David to help men contact another man using the contact list along with instructions about Zoom When a man calls asking for the contact info of another man we will contact the other man and provide them with the initial call request and ask him to make the direct contact.
    ii. Tomas will work on the Zoom Variety Idea. David will help Tomas in setting this up.
  8. A discussion on using any money from our treasury was put on hold and the discussion moved to the next board meeting. We also need to discuss how we would handle any large donation made to MCM.
  9. Tom Jamrog reports that he will place his book “Walking with Young Bulls” on Kindle for free until the end of the month to help people ease their time spent at home.
  10. John B sent in a suggested that we plant a tree or trees at Tanglewood to remember men who have died from MCM. Discussion was postponed until John can be at the meeting.
  11. Next Meeting using Zoom will be April 22, 2020 6:30-8:30. Contact Maine Bob for assistance if you have not set up your Zoom program.

Accepted by the board on April 22, 2020

1/8/2020 Board Meeting

In Attendance:  John, David, Bob, Tomas, Joss. Special Guests: Dan K, Ham N.
Minutes Submitted by: John Sommo and David Hanc

  1. Check In
  2. Review Minutes from 10/29/19. Accepted with minor revisions
  3. Treasure’s Report will be made by Tomas and John B. The report will be included in the minutes when complete.
    a. Tomas will meet with John B and Ian. They need to go to the bank to have John’s name on the account so he can write checks.
    b. What we want to keep records on will be discussed at the next meeting.
    c. Joss will back up John B as treasurer
  4. Program Committee:
    a. Ham and Dan will write the blurbs about the May retreat’s “Theme” and get it to Maine Bob for distribution using mail chimp. He will send the blurbs out in the middle of Feb, March and April. Blurbs will include requests for workshops with ideas of what will support the theme. Other workshop ideas will be welcomed for workshops.
    b. Auction times – Lower priced items can be set up as a silent auction.
    i. The “Live Auction” should be held before dinner – time TBA. This will provide more
    time for men to mingle and talk. The times need to be posted.
    c. Men should be invited to make things for the auction using their talents. This will be posted in the blurb and in the confirmation letter.
    d. At the General Meeting David will ask for ideas about the Auction and if we should continue it in the future.
  5. Getting workshops: Men will be encouraged in the blurbs and the confirmation letter to consider coordinating workshops with the theme of Shadow and Monsters, which will be explained in the blurbs as well as the Brochure by the Program Committee.
  6. John S and Ian are to discuss our 501c3 and write up what it is as well as what MCM needs for us to remain eligible. John will also look at our by-laws to see what they need to be updated. (Charlie’s name needs to be taken off this document at his request)
  7. Cancellation of a weekend due to extreme circumstances: The Board will make the decision by the Thursday before the retreat if something happens. The Registrar will contact people who signed up and inform them of our decision. A note will go out via mail chimp for men who might be planning to just show up. The board had previously decided we needed 10 men to have the weekend. This was amended to 16 men as this would pay for the renting of the facility with MCM picking up any additional cost using money in the bank account saved for this purpose.
  8. MCM Productions: The 5-minute movie was approved and permission was granted to make this public. This movie did its best to follow our confidentiality code and the men in it gave permission for their likeness to be publicized. This movie will be made available on our website and sent out to all men on our mailing list. The movie will be posted on u-tube.
  9. Phone a thon will be used to encourage men to attend the May retreat. Maine Bob will split up the names for the board to call a week before the brochures will be mailed. If any board member is unable to make calls please let us know at the next meeting. We have about 130 names and that would be about 12-15 names apiece.
  10. Activity at the Retreat – CD exchange /sale. Men will be encouraged to go through their CD collection and donate unwanted CDs to MCM. These CDs will be set up for men to go through and pay what they want for new music. The rest of the CDs will be donated to Goodwill. Brad will bring boxes to help organize this effort. John S or John B will coordinate tis effort.
  11. Dan is developing a new MCM website. He will keep us up to date before posting. He is working on a way to have people sign up on-line with a minimal of work for the registrar.
  12. Excess funds: Discussion on how best to use them was tabled for the next meeting.
  13. Memorials for men who have died. This discussion was tabled for next meeting.
  14. MCM has a private face book page. It was decided that this page be made public to find men who are looking for this type of experience. Discretion will be monitored for what we post while keeping to our confidentiality agreement.
  15. John S will contact Giovanni and discuss his continuation on the board at this time.
  16. Joss presented ideas for workshops: Book Reports, Journal Writing, Social Action, Social Conscience, Town News, Solar Projects. These should be included in the confirmation letter and discussed at the General Meeting at the weekend retreat.
  17. Stamp and Fold Party March 18 – Place – TBA at the next board meeting
  18. Next Board Meeting is at March 11 at John B or David’s house. (David may not be available for this meeting as he is planning a trip in March – He will keep you informed of his plans)

Minutes voted on and accepted by the board on March 25, 2020

10/29/2019 Board Meeting

Members present: John Sommo (host), John Bangeman, Joss Coggeshall, David Hanc, Tomas Levesque, Brad Purdy, and Maine Bob

  1. Check-in
  2. Treasurer’s Report
    a. Balance as of 10/29/19 = $4938.38
    b. Deposited from Oct retreat = $2596.00
    c. Total = $7534.38 before costs to Tanglewood and expenses are paid
    d. Discussion centered on coffee expenses – coffee and other assorted condiments on list are taken care of for next May retreat
  3. Process the Fall Retreat
    a. Wooden Name Tags were a success, will offer in the future
    b. Food was discussed – Potluck on Friday night where meat is allowed food needs to be clearly marked
  4. Ratify New Treasurer – does the bank need a letter?
    John B. to speak with Ian about account; John B needs to go to the bank in person (with Ian or Tomas) Branches are in Rockland, Camden, Belfast, Winslow
  5. Review minutes from September 9, 2019 Stamp&Fold/Board meeting
    a. Minutes from the above meeting (09/09/2019) were approved.
    b. 501C3 document still has Charles Crane’s name on it – needs to be removed- (Ian and John S)
  6. Welcome New Registrar – Tomas Levesque
    John will work with Tomas and get him the “information”
  7. Cost of the Fall Weekend Retreat
    $2436 – revenue
    $1600 cost for Tanglewood (estimate)
    $666 cost?
    $170 cost Insurance
    How do we break down the “charge” to each attendee if they don’t attend the whole weekend:
    New Proposal:
    Friday $20.00; Saturday $40.00; Sunday $20.00
    What about men who cancel out? And when they cancel? Do we refund all the money? Need to make a policy, currently it is handled case by case
    Need to document:
    a. New men numbers at the weekend
    b. Money donated
    c. Money from auction
    d. Plan to document registrations (John B)
  8. Services to be auctioned off – by whom is the question
    “Auction Services” – individual men can auction off their services but MCM cannot provide services due to non-profit status.
  9. Cancellation Policy – I think this is referring to events such as weather or such that make Tanglewood facilities unavailable – do we cancel the weekend? When would we make that decision and how to get the word out? Tabled…
  10. Program Committee Responsibilities – Job Description
    What are the things to give direction to the Program Committee?
    Facebook question – defer to Dan Kirchoff
    a. Should MCM facebook be public? Issue was tabled until next board meeting.
  11. MCM Productions – George
  12. Website (Dan Kirchoff) Dan email to David Hanc
    New MCM website “progressing”
  13. Day rate for the weekend? but see above notes for changes to rate.
  14. CD Exchange at weekend
    Suggested $1/CD John Bangeman or John Sommo will coordinate – Brad has flats to store “100” Deferred to next board meeting for pricing and proced
  15. Non-profit agency questions
  16. Other issues:
    a. Is the weekend too rushed?
    b. Phone bank for next weekend? (after the March 7th primary) – call them; leave phone or text message if they’re not there
    c. Medical conditions – place to put on the registration form – Registrar (Tomas) would share this information with medical people
    d. Variety Show – Any change in format need to be presented to the MCM Variety Host – Board may be consulted
    e. More workshops are needed – Joss
    f. Time for Program Committee – workshops
    g. Do we need policy for weather cancellation?
    A-C from suggestion box
  17. Next meeting
    January 8th, 2020 (Wednesday) at 6pm; backup date is January 15th, 2020. Host is John Sommo (John Bangeman as backup).

Minutes accepted on 1/08/20 by the MCM Board

10/20/2019 Business Meeting

Note: Meeting conducted by MCM President, David Hanc

  1. Thanks goes out to Michael Scott and the Program Committee for the wonderful weekend theme along with the opening and closing circles. Also, thanks to the MCM Board of Directors for their efforts in coordinating and assisting in the weekend’s success.
  2. David outlined the duties of the MCM Board, meeting schedules; asked for the current board members to stand and be recognized; and asked for any new men who were interested in serving on the board to speak up. Jonathan (Joss) Coggeshall volunteered to join the board – Welcome Joss.
  3. Treasurer’s Report (Ian): current balance (not counting this weekend’s receipts or expenditures) for MCM = $4938.38.
    a. Discussion: Tom Jamrog’s question: How much have we taken in on the auction items? (Board to discuss keeping a running tally)
    b. Dan Kirchoff volunteered to bring to the weekend some of his drawings of MCM brochures to be auctioned off.
    c. Gary Timmerman asked what services could MCM offer as an organization to be auctioned off. David responded that as a non-profit MCM cannot auction off services however individuals or groups of individuals can,  and donate the money earned. Board will discuss.
    d. Question about the cost for a weekend – David’s responded an estimated is about $2200 – $2500 – board will discuss and tally the weekend expenses for a more accurate account.
  4. John Bangeman resigned from the Registrar position. Tomas Levesque volunteered to take it on. Maine Bob will be the back-up registrar. Thank You to these individuals for their service and future help.
  5. Ian Collins has resigned as MCM Treasurer’s job. Thank you Ian for a job well done. John Bangeman will be the new treasurer. Joss Coggeshall will be the back-up/co treasurer. Board needs to ratify these decisions so the names on the bank accounts can be changes. Thanks for stepping up, gentleman.
  6. Ian Collins and John Sommo will work on the 501c3 filing responsibilities and develop a job description of steps to take. These steps will become part of the MCM Manual for future use.
  7. Discussion about meat dishes being served at the retreat: At the last retreat in May, Tanglewood employees left platters of meat for MCM to use. They were served at the Friday night potluck, the men at the weekend asked if the board would discuss allowing meat att the Pot Luck Dinner. The Board agreed that it is ok for men to bring meat dishes for the Fri. potluck but the meals need to be clearly identified as meat. The Weekend Retreat is still primarily a vegetarian event. Also, if you have food allergies or restrictions, please contact Brad or Tomas, (registrar) at least a week before the weekend so arrangements can be made.
  8. Transgender Individuals – This is an ongoing discussion. MCM supports and welcomes any “self-identified” man.
  9. Upcoming MCM Retreat is May 1,2,3, 2020
    a. Jobs and Tasks List: (See Attached)
  10. Other: Board should remind Dan Kirchoff to provided press release in advance of the weekend. Dan requested a picture of MCM Board to use in these publications.
  11. Business Meeting adjourned at 8:55 AM on October 20th, 2019
  12. Next Board Meeting is Oct 29, Tuesday from 6-8 at John Sommo’s house

Minutes submitted by Ex-registrar John Bangeman – October 27, 2019. Minutes Accepted on: 1/08/20

MCM Jobs and Tasks: May 1, 2 3 2020

Program Committee: Ham Niles, Dan Kirchoff
Weekend Facilitator:  _____?_______    Maine Bob O’Connor (Board Member)
Fri Night Pot Luck:   John Bangeman, John Sommo
Sat Breakfast:  Maine Bob O’Connor, Daniel Wendel Tomas Levesque
Sat Lunch: Charles Gifford, Tom Jamrog
Sat Dinner: George Aguiar, Tom Jamrog
Sun Breakfast: Daniel Wendel, Tom Jamrog
Variety Show: Lew McGregor
Auctioneer: David Hanc
Auctioneer Assistant/Recorder: Michael Scott
Coffee Meister: John Sommo. Back up – David Hanc
Workshop Organizers: Charles Guilford, John McBee            
Registrar: Tomas Levesque, back up Maine Bob O’Connor
Treasurers: John Bangeman. Joss Coggeshall
Post Master General: Maine Bob O’Conner, Thomas Levesque, (Tom Beal?)
Food Master Chef: Brad Purdy, Vincent  Dufort       
Master of the Kitchen: Brad Purdy, Vincent  Dufort       
Dishwasher Meister: Lew McGregor, John Bangeman
Med Kit Supervisor: Joss Coggeshall  Back Up: Phil Elkin
Quilt Curator: Tomas Levesque
Tanglewood Liaison: Tom Jamrog, Back Up David Hanc     
Brochure: Tom Beal, Vincent Dufort   
Brochure Proof Reader: MCM Board
Fire keeper: Joss Coggleshell, Carl Stoddard
Keeper of the MCM Bocce Balls: David  Hanc
Bell Keeper: Charles Guilford, Holbrook Williams
MCM Drum Keeper: Charles Guilford (Michael Scott currently has it)
MCM Signs: Tomas Levesque
Photographer: Maine Bob O’Connor, Backup: David Hanc
Website Guru: Tom Beal, Dan Kirchoff 
Website Managers: Tom Beal, Dan Kirchoff, Maine Bob O’Connor
Facebook Managers: Dan Kirchoff, Advisor Maine Bob (Board Agenda)
Keeper of the Mailing Lists: Maine Bob O’Connor, Tomas Levesque, David Hanc
Pictorial Historian: Ben Rehmeyer

9/9/2019 Board Meeting

Members present: John B (host), Ian C, David H, Tomas L, Lew M, Robert D, and MaineBob
Stamp Party from 4-6pm. Board Meeting from 6-8pm.

  1. Check-in
  2. Review MCM Board Minutes from 06/25/2019
    a. (14e) “New men fee will be waived-how many?”. New men will have the option to have their fee waived, pay part or total amount. David will work on wording for the brochure
    b. (17c) “Bus test?” No one can remember what this is about – subject dropped.
    c. Minutes from 6/12/19 approved with above changes.
  3. Treasurer’s Report (Ian)
    Current Balance = $4873.38. Ian has resigned as Treasurer of MCM. The board thanks him for his service, Tomas, Co-treasurer will assume the responsibilities. David will ask for volunteers at the business meeting at the retreat to fill this position. The Treasurer needs to be a member of the board.
  4. Common Ground Fair/MOFGA Membership (Ian)
    Look into finding cost to advertise in MOFGA Guide – John B
    (Board voted not to renew MOFGA Membership at this time).
  5. Timeline for things to get done by (David)
    a. Program Committee – a timeline needs to be developed for MCM. This outline will include things like: When insurance is paid, timeline for brochure and confirmation letter will be completed, mailing dates, 501c3 paperwork needs to be submitted. David will work on typing this up. It will be added to the manual when complete.
    b. Program committee representative will meet with MCM Board at the first or second meeting after the Spring or Fall Retreat. The reason is so work can start early and help can be offered by the board if needed.
    c. A job description for the Program Committee needs to be written to help the men know their responsibilities
    d. Early Registration Discount – dates decided upon: By October 1st for the Fall Retreat; by April 15th for the Spring Retreat.
    e. Mail Chimp is a mailing that gets sent out to all current MCM members. Tom Beal, Bob O’Conner, or the Program Committee can write up the blurb. A series of 3 blurbs will be sent out prior to the weekend. (David will contact Tom to confirm this.)
    f. Ian has been filing the annual 501c3 paperwork by Jan 3 of each year. The deadline date is Jan. 15th. John Sommo and Ian will get together to review what needs to be done and at this time John has agreed to be the secretary for this document. John and Ian will get together about this.
    g. The MCM Manual is a working document to be updated each year with new decisions. The manual is currently being used and was updated 9/3/18
  6. Name Tag Idea (John B)
    We will need to have plenty of regular name tags ready for the retreat. Burning your own name tag will be a workshop. Ian will bring 30-40 wood pieces to use for tags. Suggestion: make name tags for men who have passed (John and Ian will bring this up at the retreat).
  7. Website – issue about retreat dates – David will contact Tom and Dan to have it updated. The new dates should be posted soon after the retreated has ended.
    Dan K – online registration project. Who will take care of online registrations? Dan contacted David and said that it would be easy to set up on the website. He will develop it and present it to the board for approval.
  8. Arriving at Tanglewood. The following people need to be there by 3pm: Registrar, Weekend Facilitator, Tanglewood Liaison, and Program Committee should try and be there at 3:00. The other men may arrive at that time but registration will start at 4. This give people time to set up in their sleeping quarters.
  9. Registration Forms –
    a. Put regular registration form into the packet for this retreat. Expanded form developed by John B to be used in the Spring mailing
    b. 6 sheets and the outer envelope = 1 oz. (David): 2 brochures, 2 registration forms, 1 poster (we can have a total of 6 sheets in the envelope).
  10. Transgender Discussion will continue. At the present time “any self-identified man is welcomed at MCM”. Discussion continues to figure out if we need a separate protocol to help any and all men feel comfortable. Lew has a friend he can consult for input and will report back at out next board meeting.
  11. Non-Profit MCM 501c3 – John S will be the secretary and will contact Ian for help with this position. Ian was looking into hiring a person to do this so we can discuss if it is worth the cost.
  12. Glossy Paper Poster – John B will check on cost of Poster for Registration. John B will contact Staples and get in touch with David afterwards.
  13. Pop-up Workshops Refer to minutes (06/25/2019 – 15a,b,c)
    It was suggested that Friday night at the retreat would be the right time/place to mention this type of workshop if we have a low number of workshops offered. The board needs to encourage people to develop workshops before the weekend. Money is available for supplies by calling the treasurer.
  14. Confirmation Letter – Who creates this? (Tom B)?
    a. Meat dishes need to be identified
    b. Time to arrive – 3pm for Board members; 4pm for all other members
    c. Food allergies need to be mentioned and communicated to Brad or Vincent
    d. Check with Tom B to see if he is creating the Confirmation Letter (David)
  15. George and MCM Film Productions
    a. David and group of men met with George
    b. Project to be a workshop at the retreat
    c. Possibly film men in conversation at the Tanglewood Museum
    d. Film needs to veted by the board before being used.
    e. David to talk with George about the filming. On Friday night David and George will discuss the workshop and let the group know that the board has given George the OK to film at the weekend in specific spots. Men can choose if they want to take this workshop with the understanding that the film may be shown to the public at a later date.
    f. David to send MaineBob the 2019 Spring Retreat List
  16. Review Responsibility List for the upcoming Retreat
    a. Need Weekend Facilitators and Board Members – need Script for the facilitator to follow for the weekend. Lew will be Backup Facilitator
    b. Parker – Coffee Meister – John B to call him to see where Coffee stuff is.
    c. Postmaster General – MaineBob is Primary – Tomas is Backup
  17. Other
  18. Next Board Meeting: Set for October 30th (Wednesday) at either John Sommo’s house or at David’s.

Submitted by Registrar John Bangeman on 09/24/2019 Accepted by the MCM board on 10/29/19

6/25/2019 Board Meeting

Members Present: Ian C (host), David H, Tomas L, Brad P, John B, and Charles G

  1. Check-In
  2. Review MCM Board Minutes from 05/14/2019. Minutes were approved.
  3. Treasurer’s Report (Ian):
    $4853.38 Current Balance            
  4. Name-Tag Idea (John):
    a. Encourage attendees to make a personal name-tag from the natural surroundings such as wood or bark
    b. Name Tags would be stored by registrar for subsequent retreats
    c. Would promote reusing natural materials versus plastic tags holders or paper tags
    d. Ian will gather wood-burning tools to bring to retreat – men could make their own tags
  5. Mailing List updates (Maine Bob and Tomas) List needs to be updated after every retreat; we don’t know where we stand on the list status as we haven’t heard from Maine Bob for some time; Tomas has contacted Maine Bob but had not heard back; Tomas will contact David if he is unable to contact Maine Bob on this subject.
  6. Website – Dan K and Tom B
    a. Dan K has offered to help Tom B maintain and update the MCM website.
    b. Dan and Tom are “on it”. They are working to make changes to the website.
  7. Program for next retreat (Program Committee – Hank L, Dan K, and Michael S).
    a. Next retreat is Oct 18-19-20, 2019
    b. Program Committee needs to communicate theme of retreat sooner rather than later – David to contact them.
  8. Time to arrive at retreat (see 11c/d of 05/14/19 minutes) (John) Board discussed idea – good time to communicate needs to Tanglewood liaison; we need to be sure that the Tanglewood rep knows who to communicate with on the Board at the start of the weekend so that the process is more efficient. The two points (11c/d) were generally accepted by the Board as helpful. 
  9. New Registration Form (John) (see 12 of 05/14/19 minutes)
    a. John outlined reasons for stand-alone registration form: easier for the registrar to read the addresses and email names with expanded space (hopefully!);                                                             
    b. We may need to lengthen the already-long “hold-harmless” liability statement and signature space if we add different activities to or change the structure of the retreat.
    c. Will the additional paper form significantly change the total mailing cost of the registration packet? David will check with the US Postal Office.
  10.  Transgender Discussion (see 14a of 05/14/19 minutes)
    Board had good discussion concerning a person who identifies themselves as “male” in a physical body that may be viewed as “not male” (my words) attending an MCM retreat. Again, MCM is open to any person who identifies as male. That is not an issue with the Board. Ian suggested to contact and talk with a transgender individual who identifies as male and get their input. What does he need to be welcomed into and during the MCM retreat?
  11.  The Non-profit MCM 501-C3 Corporate Secretary position (see 14b of 05/14/19 minutes)
    Changes need to be made to the corporation by-laws. John S had been doing it – does he still want to continue? David will contact him.
  12.  EIN Form
    a. Where is original form? Charlie C mentioned that he passed it on. He said to look for a lawyer.
    b. Ian has volunteered to work w/John S on the MCM Corporate Secretary issue.
  13. Glossy Poster (see 15a of 05/14/19 minutes) – issue moved to next Board meeting
  14. Cost of Retreat (see 15b of 05/14/19 minutes) – Clarification
    a. Cost is still $100.00
    b. Keep the $10.00 discount for early registrants
    c. Scholarships still available
    d. Encourage men to pay more than the regular fee – donate
    e. Fee will be waived for new men – how many? Addition after clarification –“New men will have the option to have their fee waived, pay part or total amount. David will work on wording for the brochure.”9/9/19
  15.  Pop-up Workshops (see 15c of 05/14/19 minutes)
    a. We’re already doing “pop-up” workshops at the retreat
    b. Make it a positive suggestion to encourage workshops
    c. Explain what pop-up workshops are to the attendees
  16.  Food at the Retreat (see 15d of 05/14/19 minutes)
    a. Let attendees know this: “if you bring a meat dish to the Friday night potluck, please label as such (as a meat dish, or containing meat)”
    b. David to call Tom B about when to send out the mail-chimp alerts
  17. Other
    a. Deductions
    b. George – Film guy – very excited about possible ideas for MCM video: “guy walking down path”; script – have him talking. Brad, Tomas, Ian, and David volunteered to work on this.
    c. School bus test? Deleted from discussion, not sure what this referred to when agenda was developed 9/9/19.
  18.  Survey Questions #5 and #6 (see 15e of 05/14/19 minutes) – discussion on these topics postponed until next Board meeting
  19.  Next meeting set for September 10th, 2019 (Tuesday) at home of John S. (John B is backup)
    This is also the STAMP AND FOLD PARTY.
    a. Arrive at 4pm for Stamp and Fold party
    b. Arrive at 6pm for regular Board meeting
  20.  Meeting adjourned.

Submitted by Registrar John Bangeman on 08/04/2019
Approved by the board on September 9, 2019

5/14/2019 Board Meeting

Members Present: John B (host), David H, Tomas L, Brad P, and Ian C

  1. Check-In
  2. Process May 2019 Retreat
  3. Treasurer’s Report (Ian): $3178.00 Total receipts from registration and auction
    a. $1320.00 Invoice from Tanglewood
    b. $500.00 Invoice for food
    c. Ian didn’t have current balance at this time
    d. How much was used in Scholarships this retreat? Don’t have figures handy – Need to keep tally of how much is used for scholarships
    Proposal (David): “Any new man has the option of paying the full retreat fee or having the fee waived”. Passed by members present.
  4. Communication between board members
    a. Encourage communication between board members
    b. When replying to emails, it is suggested to reply only to that one person versus “replying to all”; hopefully, this will cut down on unnecessary email traffic.
  5. Upcoming Fall Retreat – Quilt Curator (Tomas) Tomas may be there or he may not be there – he is responsible to make sure that the quilt is there at the retreat even if he is not there.
  6. Website – Dan K offer
    a. Dan K has offered to help Tom B maintain and update the MCM website.
    b. How can Dan and Tom work together on the website? There should be 2 people responsible for the website.
  7. Mailing list needs another person to back-up Maine Bob; need to have 2 people able to update the master mailing list. Tomas volunteered to back-up Maine Bob.
  8. Meals at MCM retreat
  9. Tasks list: send blurb out to regular attendees: “hey, we need someone to do the dinner on Saturday night at the upcoming retreat – can you do it?”
  10. Suggestion: kitchen cooking workshop (15 mins) right after Saturday lunch – Brad will do it
  11. David to add to facilitator duties
  12. Review minutes of Business meeting at Retreat. Minutes reviewed and approved w/corrections: Joss Coggeshall’s name is incorrectly spelled in minutes.
  13. Group Photo and possible short movie YouTube
  14. John to get Retreat attendees list to David
  15. Someone? Volunteered to do short YouTube video of retreat? Do we need Tanglewood’s approval? People in the video – do we need release from them? Privacy? Confidentiality?
    a. Brad and Tomas to assist George A in the video. David will initiate the call.
  16. Retreat “getting ready” (John)
  17. Have MCM Mission Statement as a banner to hang over the entrance to the Tanglewood lodge. John to check on cost of banner from Staples.
  18. Have “registrar” or “registration” table-top board or poster to direct arriving men to registration table.
  19. Schedule all board members and “hosting” men to arrive at Tanglewood at 3pm on the Friday of the retreat to go over any changes to facilities, schedules, etc; to relax and to check-in.
  20. Attendees strongly advised not to show up until 4pm, or if they do show up early, they will have to wait until 4 pm to check-in so as to allow the “hosts” to be complete w/preparations.
  21. Change the registration form to a full sheet to accommodate more information and potentially more release of liability language. We no longer send out just a tri-fold; we use envelopes. The retreat flyer could be one 2-sided document. The registration form could be a completely separate document.
  22. Steve A – we (David) has not heard from him even after trying to contact him several times.
    Proposal (David): “Remove Steve A from the Board”. Passed by members present.
  23. Other:
    a. Transgender individuals – board needs to have a discussion on this issue (at next meeting?)
    b. The Non-profit MCM 501-C3 needs a corporate secretary – John S?
    i. Non-profit letter?
    c. Do we hire a professional corporate secretary? (hold on that idea) – Ian to look into it.
  24. Review and discuss Survey from May retreat

Question 1 – Registration Process

Suggestions: “Add 2 retreats” to MCM business/information card; board members reviewed the card and felt there was really no room to add additional type so it was suggested to keep the card as it is. John B suggested creating a glossy picture poster rather than ink and pen drawings as in the past – “MAINE COAST MEN AT TANGLEWOOD” would be the headline over a picture of a man walking in the woods at Tanglewood. The ‘theme’ would be whatever the program committee had planned. The poster wouldn’t necessarily be the one sent out in the initial mailing but would be posted around the local towns as advertisement about the upcoming retreat. John B will check with Staples on the feasibility and cost of doing this poster at Staples. Do we need approval from Tanglewood to use their name and locale? Ian to check w/Patti at Tanglewood on this?

Question 2 – Cost of the Retreat

Suggestions: keep the cost at $100.00 (if men set aside 55 cents/day for only 180 days, they would have the $100.00 fee); keep the $10.00 discount for early registrants; encourage men to pay more if they can; discussion about new men for free – would we have the space and the finances to host a weekend with 10-20 new men @ no charge? Brad related his meditation weekend “donation vs fee” idea.

Question 3 – How are the workshops?

Suggestions: Encourage stretching/meditations (could be before each meal – moment of silent gratitude for the fellowship and the meal; could be offered as a mini-workshop at set times during the weekend; lots of possibilities); encourage men to approach Board members for help if they want to host a workshop during the weekend; “Pop-up” workshops concept – add this idea to the agenda for the next Board meeting; more movement workshops; a workshop on doing workshops (see Board members).

Question 4 – Feedback on the Meals

Suggestions: Friday night potluck – meat served at last retreat due to generosity of Tanglewood – allow the practice of eating meat to continue? “If you bring a meat dish to the potluck, you need to label it as such”. Focus is still on being a vegetarian weekend. Board talked about food issues, allergy issues and was the information on the registration and/or the confirmation letters? Revisit this issue at the next Board meeting.

Questions 5 and 6 from survey will be covered at next Board meeting.

25. Next meeting set for June 25th (Tuesday) at Ian’s house 6-8 pm.
Meeting Adjourned.

Submitted by Registrar John Bangeman on 5/17/2019 Minutes approved on 6/25/19 by the MCM Board

5/5/2019 Business Meeting

  1. Introduction of MCM Board members
  2. Treasurer’s report — balance on hand (not counting registration receipts or auction receipts from this retreat) = $3,633.92
  3.  Questions raised about finances, the auction, Holbrook asked about leaving a legacy for MCM
  4. MCM Corporate Secretary position needs to be filled — Ian and Ham will look into the 501-C3 requirements
  5. Common Ground Fair — discussed and decision made to NOT have a MCM booth at this year’s fair.
  6. VOLUNTEER LIST (See list below)
  7. MCM Business Cards:
    Suggestions to put on the card: “2 retreats a year”; from Ham Niles: “we support emotional growth of our members – we do this by 2 weekend retreats”.
  • MCM Minutes will be on MCM Website.  Green MCM manual is available electronically, contact David
  • Ben Rehmeyer request:
    Request that any and all of the old group photos from the beginning of MCM be brought to him — he will create a photo gallery of the retreats. Ben has offered to be the MCM Pictorial Historian.

Holbrook suggested for the group photo that we have the possibility of individual photos of each member.

  1. Remove from the master mailing list the names of the men who have passed on.
  2. MCM Mission Statement Revisions: Passed as submitted by vote of attending members. The Mission statement is as follows: “The mission of MCM is to create a space where all men can gather to explore issues that are important to self and others in an encouraging and confidential environment”.
  3. MCM Confidentiality Agreement Revisions: Passed by vote of attending members with the following changes: “Once a man leaves the retreat, it can be challenging, at times, to share with loved ones accounts about growth they experienced without using a story or details on how the growth occurred … Names, age, situations, jobs, or anything that could identify a specific man is not acceptable to be shared.”
  4. MCM Statement to Welcome all Men Revisions: Passed as submitted by vote of attending members. The Statement reads: “We, members of MCM, welcome all self identified men with respect and good will to be part of Maine Coast Men” 
  5. Meeting Adjourned.

Submitted by Registrar John Bangeman on 5/7/2019

Minutes approved by board on May 14, 2020

MCM Jobs and Tasks:
October 18, 19 20 2019

Program Committee: Michael Scott, Dan Kirchoff, Hank Lunn
Weekend Facilitators: ??? Lew (Board Member) May (2020 Lee Smith)
Fri Night Pot Luck: Joss Coggleshell, John McBee
Sat Breakfast: Daniel Wendel, Gregg Lewis
Sat Lunch: ???
Sat Dinner: John Bangeman, Giovanni Carbone, Hank Lunn, Tom Jamrog
Sun Breakfast: Daniel Wendel and Phil Elkin
Sun Lunch: Ham Niles
Variety Show: Hank Lunn
Auctioneer: Phil Elkin  
Auctioneer Assistant/Recorder: Charles Guilford (recorder)
Coffee Meister: Parker W
Workshop Organizers: Charles G., John McBee            
Registrar: John Bangeman, Back Up: Maine Bob
Treasurers: Ian Collins,  Tomas Levesque     
Post Master General
Maine Bob O’Conner    Tomas
Food Master Chef: Brad Purdy, Vincent  Dufort       
Master of the Kitchen: Brad Purdy, Vincent  Dufort       
Dishwasher Meister:Lew McGregor, John Bangeman
Med Kit Supervisor: Joss Coggeshall  Back Up: Phil Elkin
Quilt Curator: Tomas Levesque
Tanglewood Liaison: Tom Jamrog    Back Up: David Hanc    
Brochure: Tom Beal,  back up; Vincent Dufort   
Brochure Proof Reader: MCM Board
MCM Artist: Dan Kirchoff
Fire keeper: Holbrook Williams, Joss Coggleshell      
Keeper of the MCM Bocce Balls: David  Hanc
Bell Keeper: Charles Guilford, Holbrook Williams
MCM Drum Keeper: Charles Guilford
MCM Signs: John Bangeman
Photographer: Maine Bob O’Connor, Backup: David Hanc
Website Guru: Tom Beal, Dan Kirchoff volunteered as back up
Website Managers: Tom Beal, Maine Bob O’Connor
Facebook Managers: Dan Kirchoff    Advisor Maine Bob (Board Agenda)
Keeper of the Mailing Lists: Maine Bob. (Board Agenda) – 2nd person?
Pictorial Historian: Ben Rehmeyer

3/19/2019 Board Meeting

Date: March 19, 2019
In Attendance: David, John B., Lew, Tomas, Jonathan P
Place: Jefferson
Minutes Submitted by: David and John B

  1. Check In. (Fold and Stamp Brochures 4:30-6)
  2. Treasure’s Report: Balance is $4,141.92
  3. Minutes from 1/16/19 discussed, reviewed, and approved with minor changes
  4. The Weekend Retreat
    1. Brochures are ready to be send out March 25 — David
    2. Dan K will be contacted by Lew to send out info to newspapers, radio, etc.
    3. Website Update — David will contact Tom B to update the website. In the future we need to update the website in a timely manner. New dates to be added as soon as possible with a mention that the new theme will be posted soon.
    4. David will contact Tom B and encourage him to send out the Retreat information to all men via the “mail chimp”.  Maine Bob may be asked to assist.
    5. Other advertising opportunity: The Buzz, Rockland’s local newspaper — David
    6. Poster and business cards: Board members will post these on bulletin boards in the area they live. Posters will be sent out with the Brochures asking men to post them in their communities.
    7. Letter of Confirmation — John B will work with Tom Beal in developing this letter.
  5. Initial discussion was help on active fund raising and how we would use the funds generated. Since we are nonprofit we need to look at the guidelines as to how MCM could be a beneficiary of an estate.  MCM could also put on a community dance to raise money. When MCM does have funds to spare we need to develop protocol on how to use the money.  Brainstormed ideas to consider in the future: Provide additional money to men to create programs at the retreat, waved fees for all new men, use the money to plan events to reach out to the community, giving to community projects, giving money to people or organizations in need, stipends for MCM president and or other officers, board members dining out once a year as a thank you for the work being done. It was agreed that we need to develop this plan carefully and set guidelines. Further discussion at future regular board meetings will be held.
  6. The “MCM Mission Statement”, “Confidentiality Agreement” and “Statement to Welcome all Men” were reviewed. Below is the Mission statement with proposed changes (in red). At the retreat in May this will be presented to the men asking for suggestions and comments. If appropriate a vote will be held to accept the revised statement.

Proposed  changes to “Mission Statement”, “Confidentiality Agreement” and “Statement to Welcome all Men”  (Changes in Red)

“The mission of MCM is to create a space where all men can come and gather to explore issues that are important to self and others in an encouraging and confidential environment”. (**10/18/2015 – #6)

Confidentiality Agreement:

 “It is essential that confidentiality be a top priority at MCM weekends retreats so men can feel safe to share and experience self growth in a caring, supportive environment.

Once a man leaves the weekend retreat it can be difficult challenging at times to share with loved ones around the growth they experienced without using a story or details on how the growth occurred.

If a man needs to share an experience it must be done in a way that protects the identity of the men at the weekend.  Names, age, situations, jobs or anything that could identify a specific man is not acceptable.

If a person wants/needs to share a story or the experience of another man outside the weekend retreat it is appropriate to ask that man for permission. (5/17/2016 – #7)

Statement to Welcome all Men

  • The Board will add the following statement to the by-laws as well as future flyers: “We, the MCM board, members of MCM, welcome all self identified men with respect and good will to be part of Maine Coast Men”  (6/18/2017 #1)
  • Specific groups will not be targeted to be invited but rather a general invite to all self-identified men will be used as in the past. (1/16/2018 #13b)
  • Registrar position: John B. has agreed to be the registrar for the Spring retreat. At the General Meeting we will ask for volunteers to be the registrar as well as a backup for the fall and beyond.
  • Reviewed lists for descriptions of jobs for the manual.  David will remind men to write a job description of the duty they perform. The hope is that this description will help get volunteers to fill positions if men know what is expected of them.
  • The board is currently working on a yearly timetable of dates when things need to be accomplished. Examples are: paying insurance, when to contact Tanglewood, send out brochures, filling out forms for nonprofit etc. David will put together what we currently know and this will be reviewed at our next regular board meeting.
  • By-laws need to be reviewed and updated yearly. Secretary John Sommo will be asked to lead this initiative. It was suggested we have a separate special board meeting to accomplish this or to have a subcommittee to take on this task. This will be discussed at the next regular board meeting.
  • Discussion was held as to how to “streamline” general board meeting at the retreat. The job lists will be posted along with a blank list of jobs so men can be encouraged to sign up before the meeting on Sunday.
  • Other:
    • The Board will discuss all concerns or questions brought to them and respond to that person in a reasonable amount of time.
    • Soon after the retreat the following will be sent out in an email:
      • The group picture and contact list
      • A statement about the weekend to wrap up this experience (the Program Committee may want to write this)
      • Dates for the next 2 MCM retreats
      • A list of positions that are still open for the next retreat
      • Lost and found items
    • Holbrook has an open invitation for MCM to join him in his radio broadcast to promote our efforts. Lew will consider this and call Holbrook.
    • At the next General Meeting we will brainstorm “How the men at the weekend can promote MCM for the future”
  • Next Meetings:
    • General Meeting at the May 2019 Retreat
    • Next board meeting Wednesday, May 15, 2019  6-8. John Bangeman’s house

Minutes approved by the board in using e-mail April 12, 2019