Via Zoom — In Attendance: Bob, David, Joss, Thomas, John S, Charles, Ian
Minutes Submitted by: David Hanc with assistance from John S
- Check in
- Zoom – Thanks goes out to Maine Bob for setting up this meeting and helping us learn about this valuable tool. The best teacher is experience once you start using it.
- Treasure’s Report: Currently we have $5,554 in the bank. Tanglewood did not require any loss of a down payment since we cancelled. It is felt that Tanglewood is most likely closed at this time anyway.
- Reviewed Minutes from 1/08/20. Using the Zoom platform, we went over the minutes and found it helpful if explanations were needed. We plan on using this format in the future. (Thanks again Bob). The minutes were accepted by the board.
a. John and/or John S will write up a description for the manual of our 501c3 status and explaining what it does for the board. Timelines for yearly submission will also be included. Thanks men… - We reviewed the decision on the e-mail vote of March 15 to cancel the May Retreat. We agreed to amend the timeline of cancelling a Weekend Retreat if necessary to one week before the event to give people who signed up time to make other plans. In an emergency we can cancel last minute if we absolutely must.
a. The board also reviewed the vote to accept the resignation of Ian Collins as Treasurer and Tomas Levesque as Co-Treasurer. John Bangeman was voted in to be the new treasurer and Jonathan Coggeshall voted in to be Co-Treasurer. The vote 10-1 in favor. Once we discussed a slight wording change the vote was unanimous.
b. David will write a letter from the board so John and Joss can go to the bank and formalize the change in Treasures. Thanks go to Ian for working with the bank and providing the form that they require. - The Board would like to thank John Carbone (Giovanni) for his time and service to the MCM Board. John decided to resign at this time.
- Brainstormed ideas for helping MCM brotherhood/membership stay in contact.
i. Using Zoom to do a virtual weekend, an opening circle, workshops, a variety show etc.
ii. Organizing small out door hikes. To help keep social distancing, Charles suggested we use a 2-meter hiking stick to help aid us.
iii. Encouraging men to contact each other via phone, e-mail or social media where appropriate.
a. Maine Bob will write up a short description on how to set up Zoom.
We need to be thoughtful in setting up any type of circle, workshop and even the variety show over the internet. Keep it simple if possible. The board decided to go slow with this idea to assure that Confidentiality is kept and respected. This will be discussed at out next board meeting before we set up any time of Zoom contact.
i. The Mail Chimp note will include the contact names of Bob, Tomas and David to help men contact another man using the contact list along with instructions about Zoom When a man calls asking for the contact info of another man we will contact the other man and provide them with the initial call request and ask him to make the direct contact.
ii. Tomas will work on the Zoom Variety Idea. David will help Tomas in setting this up. - A discussion on using any money from our treasury was put on hold and the discussion moved to the next board meeting. We also need to discuss how we would handle any large donation made to MCM.
- Tom Jamrog reports that he will place his book “Walking with Young Bulls” on Kindle for free until the end of the month to help people ease their time spent at home.
- John B sent in a suggested that we plant a tree or trees at Tanglewood to remember men who have died from MCM. Discussion was postponed until John can be at the meeting.
- Next Meeting using Zoom will be April 22, 2020 6:30-8:30. Contact Maine Bob for assistance if you have not set up your Zoom program.
Accepted by the board on April 22, 2020