8/29/2017 Board Meeting

Date: August 29, 2017 
Place: Charlie’s house 
In Attendance: Brad, John, Bob, Charlie, Carl, Ian, Paul, David 
Minutes Submitted by: David 

1. Checked in while holding the “Stamp and Fold Party” collating the brochures. 

2. Treasure’s report: MCM has a balance of $3032.38 before any costs for the mailing of the brochures. Financially we are good shape. 

3. Review of Minutes: General Meeting Minutes from May 7, 2017 had been accepted, June 22 Minutes accepted with minor changes. 

4. Common Ground Fair – Sept 22-24, 2017 
a. Charlie will send out another request for men to sign up to sit at the table. 
b. David will make up business cards, Charlie will send Logo to David 
c. Bob will run off copies of the letter from last year’s Bangor Daily paper 
d. Charlie will run off additional brochures/registration forms 
e. Charlie will have the banner made up out of vinyl 
f. We will use one quilt, the other will say with Joe 
g. David will get a table and chairs to Charlie before the weekend 
h. Charlie will set up the night before the fair 
i. Charlie will let the board know the slots that are filled for the table. Board members may be asked to do additional times slots if needed 
j. Be sure to let Charlie know if you will need a ticket to get in 

5. MCM Weekend Oct 13, 14, 15, 2017 
a. Auctioneer Charlie will ask if someone would like to be a mentor for future auctions 
i. Charlie will use the same format as last time minus the silent
b. Format for young men who attend Saturday will be developed by Brad 
c. Brad and David will facilitate the weekend 
d. Jobs and Task list — David will search past notes for the copy from Charlie. John provided a partial list he took notes on. David will put together what we have and send it out to the board. 
e. Registration at weekend will be covered by John and Ian 
f. Carl, Tanglewood liaison, will contact Steve, caretaker, so the camp information can be given directly to him. Carl will share needed info with the group. 
g. Mentors — the system that we established has been working well. John will assign mentors to new men. The MCM mentors are all board members. 
h. Charlie will send out another e-mail to the men on the MCM participant list reminding them to sign up early and to bring an auction item 

6. Ian had received an e-mail from one of the men about the board controlling what participants do during the weekend. David will contact this man to discuss his concerns and assure him the board has no agenda to direct men during the weekend workshops. 

7. Joe R. is looking for someone to take over the role as “Quit Curator” The men at the weekend will be asked to volunteer. Joe wrote up a detailed description on how to care for these precious items. 
a. Joe has requested that men send him a small item. Ian will write up a paragraph that will detail his health as well as Joe’s request for support and the date of his upcoming gathering. Ian will send this to Charlie and Charlie will sent it out to our e-mail mailing list. 

8. Manual Update — David continues to work on it … with luck it will be ready for this weekend. 

9. Ideas on bringing in younger men to MCM will be discussed at the next regular board meeting (Paul, Thomas) 

10. Update on 501c3. Currently MCM is incorporated. Form 1023ez need to be filled out and submitted. Ian and Charlie will take care of this. 

11. An MCM Blog page to ask for, buy, or sell things will be discussed at the next regular board meeting in Oct. 

Next General meeting will be at the weekend on Sunday Oct 15, 2017. 

The next regular board meeting will be at David’s house (Brad as Backup) in Jefferson on Oct.23, 6-8. 

Minutes accepted by e-mail procedure from the board Oct. 1, 2017 

6/22/2017 Board Meeting

Date: June 22, 2017 
Place: Charlie’s house 
In Attendance: Charlie, Allan, Brad, David 
Minutes submitted by: David 

1. Minutes: 
a. Minutes from May18, 2017 were accepted with changes made to #8 “We welcome all self identified men with respect and good will to be part of Maine Coast Men” This will be added to by-laws as well as future flyers 
b. General Meeting Minutes May 7, 2017 – Charlie will send them to David and David will send them to Board to be reviewed and accepted by e-mail 

2. Treasures Report — MCM has a balance of $3,076.38 after having paid all weekend expenses, liability insurance, bought checks and filed with the Sec-retary of State. We have no outstanding bills and none are anticipated. 

3. MCM Google page to share articles: A training session will be planned for the future. 

4. 501 C-3 update: MCM is now incorporated. Ian and Charlie will apply for IRS for 501 C-3 status. Thanks go out to Charlie and all board members for stick-ing with this long process. 

5. Ideas for bringing younger men to weekends: (Paul and Thomas are discussing and will bring ideas to a board meeting in the future.) 

6. MOFGA News: As of June 22, 2017 MCM did not make the cut for a table this year at the Common Ground Fair. 
* Note: Charlie was contacted by MOFGA in July and we currently have a table at the CGF. Charlie is coordinating the volunteer list for men to sit at the table and inform interested people about MCM. Charlie will have our banner made. Next board meeting we will discuss what to offer at he able. (ideas so far are business cards with contacts, the article from Bangor Newspaper, applications to attend. 

7. Using a Phone Tree to stay in touch: Charlie and Thomas are working on a proposal to share with the board. 

8. MCM Auction will be held again at the fall weekend. A mentor will be sought from the men attending to help organize in the future. 

9. Donations to MCM , letters, tax codes etc: 
a. MCM needs to get 501C-3 status first. Ian and Charlie will get in contact with the IRS. 
b. The Treasurer will need to send out acknowledgement letters at the end of the year for donations. A generic tax form letter will be developed or copied from an other organization, on-line may be a possibility. 
c. Donated items for Auction may also be claimed for tax purposes. (Details need to be worked out) 

10. MCM Weekend Oct 14,15, 16, 2017. 
a. Brad is working on the Program for the fall. 
b. Idea: Items for sale/trade have a blog page where men can go to list what they need or for have to offer to trade/sell before the weekend. 

11. Fold and Stamp Party is August 29 at Charlie’s house. Brochure goes out Sept 4, 2017. Flyer needs to be completed by August 14. 

12. Other: 
a. MCM will continue to offer a $30 Saturday for men to experience the week-end. These men will be assigned a mentor using the guidelines of our current process. 
b. Scholarship names will be kept confidential between registrar and treasurer. 
c. The lower age limit for men to attend the Saturday or the weekend is 14. Young men who are age 14-17 can attend for free with an adult. 
d. Children should not be brought to the weekend. 
e. Weekend for young men — Can we build a Saturday program for them? (Will be discussed at the next board meeting to discuss) 

Next Board Meeting: August 29 6-8 at Charlie’s house. This will also be a work session for the Fold and Stamp Party. 

Minutes accepted at the August 29, 2017 meeting by the board 

5/18/2017 Board Meeting

Date: May 18, 2017 
Place: Charlie’s House 
In Attendance: Alan, Paul, Charlie, Thomas, John, Bob, Carl, Brad, David 
Minutes submitted by: David 

1. Check In 

2. Thanks and welcome go out to the newest members of the MCM Board, Paul Bernacki and Thomas Levesque. 

3. Review of weekend — Great weekend, Successful auction, Beneficial Ted Talks discussion, Coffee quality discussed, Enjoyable Variety Show, Brotherhood was greatly felt — a successful weekend. 

4. General Meeting Minutes from the weekend will be sent to David and the board to be read and accepted (Charlie). 

5. Treasure’s Report: 
Income from weekend: 
auction $576.00 
registration $2670.00
Total $3246.00
Expenses from weekend: 
Postage $122.50 
Printing $287.89 
Food $600.00 
Coffee &pots $98.20 
Program $31.65 
Tanglewood $1540.00 
Insurance $200.00 
Total $2880.24 
Beginning balance $1639.08 
Income +$3246.00 
Expense -$2880.24 
End balance $2004.84 

6. Review of Jobs and Tasks for Fall Weekend– 
a. David will discuss with Joe ideas on how to get men’s attention and respect during announcements at the weekend. 
b. Facilitator’s role is described in the Manual and will be shared with Joe 

7. 501 C-3 update: The paperwork was signed by the President and Secretary and will be submitted to the state. Charlie was recognized by the board for playing a pivotal role in getting the paperwork ready for MCM to become a non-Profit with a 501 C3 status. Charlie will send the board a completed copy of the Articles of Incorporation along with the By-laws. 

8. The Board will add the following statement to the by-laws as well as future flyers: “We, the MCM board, welcome all self identified men with respect and good will to be part of Maine Coast Men” 

9. MCM Manual — Copies were passed out and men were encouraged to send David feedback. David’s goal is to have this ready for the Fall Weekend. If you were not present and would like a draft, contact David Hanc at hmmmbus@aol.com 

10. David will contact Jim D and inform him he is no longer on the MCM board. Jim will be encouraged to attend the weekends and consider being on the board again in the future. 

11. Weekend Cancellation policy reviewed. We need a minimum of 10 men signed up one week before the weekend in order to hold the event. Money will be returned to the people who signed up in the event we need to cancel. (1/31/2017 -#6) 

12. Paul and Thomas will develop ideas to bring in younger and more men to the weekend. Thomas and Charlie will discuss ideas on how to do a phone tree or a way to communicate with men other than at the weekend (phone tree?). These items will be on the next agenda for the board to discuss. 

13. Auction — Future Plans — Discussion centered around how men can sell personal items on Craig’s list or e-bay and donate the money to MCM. This will be an agenda item for the next meeting. 
a. A suggestion was made that pictures of future items for the weekend auction be posted on our MCM website. This will be considered. 

14. Sculpture Race this summer. Maine Coast Men should consider this idea to advertise our existence. Ian had proposed this idea and is encouraged to follow up with the board if there is interest or people to pull this off. If it is too late for this summer then next summer should be considered. 

15. “Before I die, I would like to …” project: Hank L felt he would like to develop this idea in Camden and possibly Rockland. This idea came from the Ted Talks presentation at the weekend. David will contact Hank and offer MCM support. 

16. Variety Show in Belfast — The board will support this and present the idea at the General Meeting seeking volunteers to organize and run this event at the fall weekend. The money will go to the scholarship/General fund for MCM. 

17. MCM board was asked if we would consider sending out a complete mailing list to all men on the mailing list. The board decided that we would not send out this list. Currently we send out a weekend list to the participants of the weekend that they attended. If a man is looking for the address or information to locate a particular man they can contact the board and we will help make that connection. Brad suggested that if a man dies or is in need of support MCM should be able to send information out. MCM Board would need to receive permission from the family first before sending out information or requests for support using our e-mail list. The exception is if the news is already public such as an obituary in the newspaper. This will be brought up for discussion at the next general meeting in the fall. 

18. Charlie will check with MOFCA to see if space is still available for us to have a table. 

19. The Board agreed to spend $100 to buy a banner that MCM can use at events such as Common Ground Fair etc. Paul and Dan K will discuss design and colors. Charlie will coordinate this effort. 

20. Tomas encouraged the board to post items, sayings, info etc. to Facebook. 

21. A workshop on Death and Dying would be welcomed at the next MCM weekend. 

22. Next Meeting will be at Charlie’s house with Brad’s house as backup. June 22 6-8. David will e-mail the board to see how many men will attend to be sure we have a quorum. 

Minutes accepted at the board meeting on June 27, 2017 

5/7/2017 Business Meeting

Date: May 7, 2017 
Place: Tanglewood 
In Attendance: See attendance list from weekend 
Minutes submitted by: Charlie 

1. Be it noted that on Friday night, Charlie announced that the Board had been working on getting us incorporated as a 501(c)(3) corporation and that the Articles of Incorporation and proposed Bylaws were available for inspection on the bulletin board; and be it further noted that Phil then proposed that the membership acknowledge that the Board had probably done all the due diligence necessary and that further inspection by the members was probably moot; and furthermore that the grunts and huzzahs that arose from the aforementioned members did seem to imply that a majority felt thusly; be it therefore incorporated into these minutes that said proposed Articles and Bylaws were approved by the membership unanimously. 

2. Pursuant to the aforementioned Articles and Bylaws, the point was raised that Board members should serve two year terms, staggering them so that they don’t all expire at once and Charlie, Brad, Bob O, and John B. all requested one year terms, Paul Bernacki volunteered for a one year term, Alan Pooley withdrew from the board, and Tomas volunteered for a two year term, leaving Ian, David and Carl committed for two years. 
Board meetings are open to all men. Contact any board member to find out next date of board meeting. 

3. Treasure’s report: Exclusive of weekend income and expenses we have $1239.08 (just paid liability insurance $400). We will continue to strive to get and keep $3000 in the bank for future weekends. 

4. Charlie repeated that the membership voted in the fall that if ten men are registered one week before the event, the event will go ahead and that the Tanglewood Camp would not charge us if we have to cancel. The Camp and our long relationship with them were acknowledged. Ivan was encouraged to remind them that they have a willing pool of volunteers for a work project when the need arises. 

5. The results of the phone-a-thon were roughly one-third of the phone numbers we had were no longer good, one-third left messages and we never got a call back, and one-third good contacts were made. [We don’t even have phone numbers for half of the men on our old mailing list.] 

6. A brief discussion ensued about how men whom we hadn’t seen for awhile came to be at this weekend. The overwhelming sense was that meeting another man and being invited/encouraged made all the difference. Charlie proposed a phone “tree” for the next weekend, and perhaps even monthly calls to keep men abreast of what was going on in a personal way. 

7. The Auction was declared a resounding success with $640.50 appearing as a total on the bid sheet, but some of that was our “funny money” so we won’t realize the full amount as a donation. Men requested that we do it again at the next weekend (until it gets tired)(and that we advertise it better because men didn’t [necessarily] read the part of the flyer that said to bring something). A new weekend role was created for Auctioneer and Charlie volunteered. It was also suggested that we could make a donation to the community and get a little publicity with the money raised from the auction. Tom J. also suggested we post some of the donated items to the website as a preview before the fall event. 

8. Ian invited us to consider entering the Sculpture Race to be held in Rockland this summer. Rules: it has to roll, under human power, and meet someone’s definition of art. Those who knew what he was talking about were all for it, the rest were not opposed. Holbrook proposed a pocket trumpet accompaniment to our “float”. 

9. Hank L. loved the idea prompted by a workshop for a “Before I Die, I’d Like To: ____” wall. Possible venues were discussed; Rockland and the new Camden Farmer’s Market location were candidates. 

10. Tom J. reminded us what a smashing success a previous variety show fund raiser had been in Belfast(?). We have no shortage of talent in the organization, notwithstanding the flailing displays of the previous night. 

11. Ben M. requested an update email list be sent to all the members. [Board needs to discuss.] 

12. The meeting was adjourned around 9:40. 

Minutes Accepted by board May 18, 2017 

3/30/2017 Board Meeting

Date: March 30, 2017 
Place: Charlie’s house 
In Attendance: Maine Bob, Carl. John B, Charlie, David 
Minutes submitted by: David and Charlie 

1. Check in 

2. Treasurer’s Report: 
a. Starting Balance $2655.47 (Printing of brochure and posters $287.89, Postage $127.50) Current Balance $2243.47. 
b. Yearly insurance Jan to Dec. will be one bill to match our contracts with Tanglewood 

3. Minutes from Nov 15, 2016 and Jan.31, 20017 accepted with minor spelling corrections. 

4. Buying MCM Coffee Pumps: Carl, Coffee Meister will explore the possibility of buying coffee from Bill’s coffee if he will lend us pumps for the weekend. Carl will also explore the cost of 3 pumps. Carl will e-mail the board if he needs a decision on purchasing the pumps. Carl will contact Tanglewood reps to see if they can provide pumps that work or a coffee machine that will make pumps unnecessary. 

5. Cloud Update: MCM data will be saved to Google Drive. MCM will also purchase a 16 GB drive as a back up. Currently David will keep a paper copy of minutes and manual. Maine Bob will keep an electronic copy of photos as well as the current mailing lists. Charlie will gather data and set up the Google Drive and will instruct the MCM board on how to access it. 

6. Phone-a-Thon update was a success. Approximately 1/3 of the numbers we had were no longer in use. It was decided to send all men on the mailing list a post card asking for updated address, contact number, e-mail etc. Any man who was not contacted by the phone a thon efforts that does not respond to the post card will be dropped. MCM will use the men who have been present for the past 5 years at any one of the weekends as a base for the mailing list. 

7. WERU — Carl, Maine Bob and Charlie will represent MCM on Holbrook’s show on April 20 to inform and advertise for the weekend. 

8. Upcoming MCM Weekend May 5, 6 and 7 
a. Job Responsibilities review 
i. Bob will contact Joe R and Charles G the workshop organizers 
ii. Need to contact Dan to be sure road signs are in place 
iii. Check with Alan to be sure Med Kit is at the weekend 
b. Auction — Program Committee will decide the format as to how this will work 
c. Tanglewood Liaison Meeting. Carl will call Steve and be this contact for information about Tanglewood for the weekend 
d. Saturday one day experience for youth. Charlie will guide the young men in the morning. Brad will guide them in the afternoon. 
e. Sweat — Carl will meet with Rich to find several possible spots for the sweat should we have one. Concern was discussed that if we have 25 men show for the weekend and 12 decide on the sweat will there be enough men for other workshops. The seat typically takes 6 hours. Carl will follow up with John B. 
f. MOFGA Booth has been requested for the Common Ground Fair 

9. Articles of Incorporation — Discussed, revised and approved. The Board approved and will move forward so we can be incorporated. 

10. By-Laws — Discussed and approved. These will be submitted as part of the incorporation process. Incorporation and By laws will be discussed at the MCM General Meeting on May 7. Members will be informed that changes to these documents can be made at any time by submitting an amendment. Suggestions for these documents are always welcomed by the board from its membership for discussion. 

11. Manual Update was passed out for review. Please send any corrections to David as we would like to present this our membership at the May weekend. 

12. Other: 
a. Vincent will host our Website. Thank You Vincent. 

Next Meeting will be the Weekend General Meeting on May 7, 2017 

Minutes Accepted by e-mail vote April 20, 2017 

1/31/2017 Board Meeting

Date: Jan 31, 2017 
Place: Charlie’s House 
In Attendance: Carl, Bob, John, Charlie and David 
Minutes submitted by: David assisted by Charlie 

1. Check In 

2. Minutes from Nov. 15, 2016 were not reviewed, as copies were not available by meeting time. David will send out copies using e-mail to be reviewed and accepted. 

3. Treasurer’s report: Currently we have $2657.47. Insurance is due in April ($400). 
a. Don resigned as Assistant Treasurer due to health reasons. Thank you Don for the many years of service. 
b. Jim D. is longer an Assistant Treasurer. 
c. The contract from Tanglewood is a yearly contract for the Spring/Fall weekends. Tanglewood has asked that we synchronize our insurance policy so it also covers the calendar year. The reason for this is so that we can show one “Proof of Insurance” that will cover us for both events. (Attention: Ian) 

4. May Weekend Information: 
a. Bob and Thomas met and the theme is “Share Your Wisdom and Your Passion” 
b. Important Dates: 
i. 2/14/17 Theme defined for advertising, e-mail blurb etc. (Charlie and
ii. 2/21/17 E-mail Blurb to MCM members (Charlie) 
iii. 2/28/17 Brochure to be completed for review by board (Charlie) 
iv. 3/20/17 Stamp and Fold party 
v. 3/27/17 Mail out Brochure and Poster 
c. Men will be asked to bring something that they value to be auctioned off at the weekend. The item should be worth over $10. Each man will be given $10 in MCM one-dollar bills to be used. Any other money raised will be used in our Scholarship General Fund. 
d. Joe R and Charles G (workshop coordinators) will be invited to the next Program Committee meeting to coordinate efforts for the weekend. (Bob) 
e. Holbrook invited MCM to be guests on his Radio show to talk about MCM and the weekends. Carl and Charlie will represent MCM on this show. Carl will call Holbrook and discuss the possibility of 2 or 3 men attending and possibly bringing their wives to add to the discussion. Charlie will back Carl up on this advertising venture. 
f. The brochure will encourage men to sign up early as we need the numbers for food, supplies etc. 

5. Stamp and Fold Party will be at Charlie’s House on 3/20/17 at 6:00 PM 

6. Cancellation of Weekend, Financial Responsibilities: 
a. Carl, our Tanglewood liaison, asked Patti from Tanglewood if we were financially obligated if we had to cancel a weekend. We are grateful that there will be no charge if we cancel one week before. 
b. We need a minimum of 10 men signed up by April 29, 2017 which is one week before the weekend in order to hold the event. Money will be returned to the people who signed up in the event we need to cancel. 

7. Posting on Web — 
All items posted on the website will need board approval before
posting. (9/25/2014 -#8, 12/9,2014 -#10, 3/4/2015 – #4d) 
Charlie who is doing the write ups and posting on the web requested that it would be easier for him to post something on the website and let the board know he has done so. The board would then be asked to check the site and if changes need to be made, e-mail Charlie and the board with the changes. This procedure will make posting on the website quicker and less cumbersome. 

8. Manual Update — David reports that changes are being made and that it is being worked on. No date for it ‘s completion has been set. 

9. Common Ground Fair. MCM will commit to getting a table at the Common Ground Fair to pass out information and talk about our organization. Charlie has agreed to follow up with Mainly Men to see if they would like to join us. Bob will find out the date we need to commit by and any costs and e-mail this info to the board. 

10. Phone-a-Thon: Charlie will update the lists and send up the group of names we are to call. We need to check address, e-mail, and ask if they would like to stay on the list. WE need to provide info on next weekend, the theme, the website and encourage men to stay involved. David will write up a format to ask questions as well as a sample script. The Phone-a-thon calling should start the week of Feb 14. All calls should be completed by March 10, 2017. 

11. Plans to increase membership: Contact Veterans for peace with info on who we are, Use local Bulletin Boards on Facebook or on the web, Post information on our MCM Facebook page, Provide a poster and 2 brochures to men by snail mail, Post dates on Maine Public Bulletin Board. 

12. 501-C3 Charlie’s work and Gregg’s response: Thanks go out to both men for their diligent work. Charlie will clean up the document, possible check with Gregg and we will discuss this at out next board meeting. 

13. Other: David will print copies of information for board meetings at his home and be re-reimbursed for ink and paper. David no longer lives by a print shop where past information was copied for board meetings. 

14. Next Board Meeting will be on Friday March 10 at John B’s house, Charlie’s house is back up. 

Accepted March 30, 2017 

11/15/2016 Board Meeting

Place: Charlie’s House 
In Attendance: Maine Bob, David, Brad, Carl, John B., and Charlie 
Minutes submitted by: David / Charlie 

1. Check In 

2. Positive weekend all around. Theme with follow up workshops worked well. We would like to see more men attend. Attendance will be worked on for the next weekend by the board. Posting the “Jobs” listing during weekend saved a lot of time during General Meeting … this practice should continue. Having children at the weekend on Saturday was uncomfortable for some men. This was probably a one time event so no action at this time. 

3. Minutes from Sept 20 and the General Meeting were accepted with minor grammatical and spelling corrections. 

4. Treasures Report – Ian was unable to be at this meeting. The Treasure’s report will be inserted in to these minutes at a later time. 
a. From Ian (Nov 17, 2016 revised): 
Fall 2016 Fall Weekend Accounting 
Income Expense 
Registration $2,165.00 
T-wood $1,260.00 
MMG Insurance ½ annual $200.00 
Stamps $117.50 
Printing $258.54 
Food $500.00 
Program $43.40 
Coffee $59.93 
Total $2165.00 $2,439.37 
Loss – $274.37 
Current balance as of Nov 17, 2016: $2673.47 

5. Program Committee and workshops 
a. Once the Program committee decides on a theme the board will e-mail a blurb to men on our list to encourage them to plan a workshop with regards to the theme. A blurb will also be placed in the brochure asking men to develop a theme related workshop. The board will brainstorm ideas for workshops and send this list out to the general group as possible suggestions 
b. Program committee members need to contact Workshop Coordinators and discuss how one can help the other. Workshop Coordinators are also free to contact the Program Committee members before the weekend. 
c. Should the workshops be planned for men who attend? Lively discussion about going to the weekend to do your own thing or to have the day activities planned out for you. There are advantages and disadvantages to both. The Program Committee would need to decide if this fits their theme and be willing to coordinate this effort. 
d. Physical Contact and Omming — Any man should feel free to start an ommm or initiate group contact. The Program Committee needs to also look at this and see where or if it fits into their vision. It was felt that more of both is needed. 

6. Photo and Contact list will be made available ASAP and e-mailed out to members who attended the weekend. 

7. E-mail Blurb about last weekend will go out with the photo and Contact List 

8. The board was directed by the membership to decide what the minimum number of men should be to hold the weekend event. The board decided 10 would be the number as long as the treasury had the money to meet expenses. The decision to hold the weekend will be decided by the board one week in advance. Carl, Tanglewood Liaison, will talk with Pattie from USM to see the cost of canceling the event. The Board will continue discussion of this topic at our next meeting. 

9. Saturday Only attendance. The cost will be set at $30. If they stay overnight an additional fee will be added depending on where they stay, cabin or parking lot. 

10. The board was asked to discuss young men coming on Saturday to see what the weekend is about. Men already have the choice of bringing young men for a part time experience. We could offer young men age 12-15 an opportunity to come from Lunch (morning) though Dinner. We would need to advertise this and have a coordinator to be sure activities were set up for them. Brad offered to get them involved in the kitchen for Dinner. This concept will be further discussed at our next meeting. 

11. Holbrook invited a Board Member to his radio show in the spring. This issue has merit and has been tabled while we seek a volunteer. 

12. Website — Charlie has been working with Tom and has made some positive changes. David will send updated minutes to be posted on the site. The dates need to be checked for future weekend. 

13. By-Laws — Alan has been working on these. This issue will be added to next agenda 

14. MCM Manual descriptors — Each person who has a Job/responsibility/position for the weekend or on the board is asked to write up a short blurb describing what they do and send it to David for the Manual. 

15. Common Ground Fair — Carl will contact Mainly Men and discuss if this is possible. People need to man the booth during the fair. Carl will coordinate this effort if we decide to do it. 

16. MCM needs a mailing address if we are to be incorporated. John B said we could use his at this time since it has been used for the registrations. 

17. Weekend Job List Volunteers — It was decided that this not be posted on the website or in the minutes but will be sent out in an e-mail blurb before the weekend as well as putting a copy in volunteer’s snail mail brochure. 

18. Other: Phone-a-Thon — Maine Bob and Charlie will work on the list of men we have and be prepared to split up with Board members willing to call. They will decide the questions to be asked and we will discuss how to update this info into the MCM Membership Bank. The phone a thon is slated for this winter. 

19. Next meeting will be January 10, 2017 at Charlie’s House. Snow date is the 17th. If the weather looks questionable David and Charlie will decide and send an e-mail out by noon on Jan 10. 

Accepted March 30, 2017 

10/16/2016 Business Meeting

Date: October 16, 2016 weekend 
Place: Tanglewood 
In Attendance: Men attending weekend/ Board members 
Minutes submitted by: David/Charlie 

1. Welcome: The current board was acknowledged, and we let men know MCM has 2 slots open on the board. 

2. Treasure’s report: $2,360.81 before weekend. We are in good shape but do need to strive to get more men at the weekends for their participation as well as our financial future. Tomas has agreed to be added to the Treasures list of people who can sign checks and deal with the bank. Tomas and Ian will get together to sign necessary papers for the bank. David will contact Jim D to see if he is still interested in pursuing being a back up treasurer. 

3. Registration numbers: The fall brochure was sent out six weeks before the weekend, 12 men signed up the first week and then no word until the week before the weekend when the rest signed up. The board asked when do we consider cancelling the weekend due to low numbers. Several members spoke to have the weekend with as little as 10 members while keeping a close eye on the financial impact. Rent of Tanglewood remains consistent and we pay extra for each man that stays overnight. 

4. Carl, Tanglewood Liaison will talk with Patti and see what it would mean financially if we had to cancel. Carl will find out what their policy is and the board will discuss. 

5. The board felt that using envelopes to send brochures was worth the effort as well as the cost. Two brochures as well as a poster will be included for the Spring weekend as it was this past fall. 

6. Charlie reported on his visit to Mainely Men meeting. MCM board members can attend their weekends for free. The board will pursue setting up a table at Common Ground Fair with Mainely Men. 

7. A suggestion that men could come for Saturday only at a reduced price. It was also suggested that kids could come for Saturday only and activities could be set up for them. The board will discuss these options. 

8. Holbrook has invited anyone who would like to join him on his radio show as a guest speaker. He would need 8-day notice. The board will consider sending someone before the next weekend to promote MCM. 

9. Updates on the by-laws and 501c3 were provided. Alan has taken on the task of re-writing the “found old bylaws” and adding what is needed for board approval. Charlie has agreed to help him. MCM hopes to have 501c3 status before the next weekend. 

10. The Program committee was recognized … Thanks goes out to John B, Ivan, Charlie, Ham, and Dan. 

11. The board is planning a Phone-a-Thon for January and February 2017. The purpose is to encourage men to attend as well as get accurate information for our database. 

12. The Job list for the Spring 2017 weekend was reviewed and people signed up for the different responsibilities. (See List) 

13. The board will consider a request that we buy our own coffee pumps instead of depending on Tanglewood. 

14. Any man is welcome to attend a board meeting. Please contact David or any board member to find out the next date. Dates change so it is the responsibility of the person making the request to keep in touch with the board about the next meeting. 

15. Next Board Meeting November 15, 2016 at Charlie’s house 

Minutes accepted by the board on Nov 15, 2016 

9/20/2016 Board Meeting

Date: September 20, 2016 
Place: Ian’s house 
In Attendance: Bob, Charlie, Brad, John, Ian, David, Alan 
Minutes submitted by: David / Charlie 

1. Check In 

2. Minutes from July 12, 2016 reviewed and accepted 

3. Treasure’s report: $2741.84 

4. Mainly Men invited MCM Board members to attend their weekend Oct 7-10, 2016. Charlie has agreed to attend on Sunday. Charlie will bring up the idea of a joint booth at 2017 Common Ground Country Fair as well as inviting men to our weekend. 

5. Update on 501-C3. Ian has spoken to a CPA. David asked if someone could take over the writing of the by-laws committee. Alan agreed to take on this role. David will send him the information he has collected. Charlie is willing to help Alan with this endeavor. He will send Alan copies of by-laws from other organizations. We need MCM by-laws in order to apply for 501-C3 status. The plan is to complete this task and apply for this status as soon as possible. 

6. Charlie will send out another copy of the Google account instructions and passwords to the board. 

7. Update on MCM Manual. The manual is on hold until after the weekend. 

8. Registration update: we have 14 men signed up so far and with 4 board members sending in registration, this will bring number to 18. 

9. Oct 14 weekend 
a. General Meeting Agenda: David will set this and e-mail to board if he is unable to attend 
b. Streamline General meeting. David will make a poster with job lists to post. Current men have first dib to continue. Encourage men to sign up before the general meeting 

10. Other: 
a. Board member should work on a paragraph describing their responsibilities Ex. Coffee Meister, Treasurer, Medical kit Supervisor, etc. Get these to David for the Manual. 
b. David will print 3 copies of minutes, Confidentiality agreement, Mission Statement for the weekend for men to enjoy. 
c. David will write another e-mail blurb and send it to Charlie. Charlie will edit and send it off by e-mail to past attendees. 

11. Next Meeting will be the General Meeting at the weekend 

12. Next Board meeting will be Oct 25 at Charlie’s in Hope from 6-8. 

Note: Oct 25 meeting postponed to Nov 15, 2016 

Accepted by Board Nov 15, 2016, 2016 

7/12/2016 Board Meeting

Date: July 12, 2016 
Place: David’s House in Thomaston 
In Attendance: Charlie, Bob, Carl, Alan, Brad, David 
Minutes submitted by: David and Charlie 

1. Check In 

2. Reviewed and accepted minutes from May 17. 

3. Treasure’s Report: Total Cost of the May 2016 weekend was $2145.25. Cash in the bank $2743.84. 

4. E-mail summer blurb to encourage men to bring someone to the next weekend will go to the past 2 groups that attended. The blurb will go out in Early August and in September before the brochure is sent. David will write these and get them to Charlie to be sent. 

5. List of Names that go out after the weekend. A sentence will accompany the list and the group picture and will emphasize confidentiality. This will also be mentioned at the General Meeting at the weekends. 

6. Brochures will be mailed out by September 2, 2016. Last day for discount is September 16. 

7. Stamp and Fold Party will be August 30 at 6:00 PM at David’s house in Thomaston. 

8. A new position, Post Master General, was discussed. Maine Bob will be responsible to keep the name list updated and to be used for brochures. Charlie will be the Assistant Post Master General. 

9. How to bring new men to the weekend was discussed. We will encourage men through e-mails. Posters and an additional brochure/registration will be sent in the mail to members so they can be shared. 

10. Scholarship Fund: The board has decided to wait until we have 501-C3 status before we ask for donations. This status will allow people to write off the donations at tax time. 

11. Website Update: The new and improved website is up and running with new dates of the weekend. Poster and brochure information will be added as soon as they are ready. The minutes will be posted on the website as men have been asking that we do this for some time. It was felt that men that are interested can see the work that the board is doing “behind the scenes” to make our weekends and organization successful. This will also help men feel connected during the year. 

12. E-mail for board members: Charlie will set up e-mails for board members username@mainecoast.net. He will explain these and how to access them at the next board meeting. 

13. Cloud Update: Charlie has set up a Goggle Drive account for the archives. He will discuss this with Charles G our historian. 

14. 501-C3. Ian has taken the lead on helping the board with the paperwork. No update at this time. 

15. Phone-a-Thon has been postponed until January 2017. With all the political phone calls that are being received it was felt that we would have better response from men after the election. 

16. Manuel update: David has received 2 responses from the readers so far. No further work has been done on it. Bylaws were worked on using a computer-generated questionnaire. Once completed the company asked for money to be able to print it out. David will work on re-typing these. By-laws need to have President, Secretary and Treasurer named in the document. David will be President, Charlie will be the Secretary and Ian will be the Treasurer. 

17. Other: 
a. Carl is the new Tanglewood liaison. He will contact and Rich from Tanglewood and they will discuss a site in the event a sweat will be taking place. 

Next Board meeting will be from 6-8, Sept 20, 2016 at Ian’s house 

Minutes Accepted Sept 20, 2016